Posts by Jan Farr

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  • Hard News: The Interesting Party,

    Do you really think Stoppard's a fraud Giovanni? The first play of his I watched, at the Mercury Theatre a hundred years ago, was Jumpers and I came away confused - a condition not new to me then or now. Then I read Professional Foul and loved it - so read them all and found that I even liked Jumpers - although don't ask me why, now.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Current Status: Holidays,

    Still it's a whole lot better than paying for Sky and getting nothing you want to watch. At least you only pay once and there's a surprising amount of good stuff. I haven't managed to watch a DVD in ages.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Interesting Party,

    @ Geoff Lealand: We were talking about the songs that were banned on radio in the bad old days and I remembered the song Tom Lehrer wrote sending up musicals like Jesus Christ Super Star, the words of which went something like, 'Jesus, you're making it big on Broadway - Gosh it's good to see your name in lights,' etc. I think it was banned in the 70s. I can't find it on You Tube - but there's a lot of Tom Lehrer stuff there that I have now, thanks to you, spent far too long watching.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Current Status: Holidays,

    Re Plumley Walker Paul Thomas had this to say as recently as Dec 30:

    ...a masochistic ex-RAF man (italics mine) turned cricket umpire with an extravagantly silly moustache and a name to match, a teenage dominatrix, bondage and discipline sessions, and a one-way trip over the Huka Falls. (It also gave rise to one of the great quotes of our time. When it emerged that Plumley Walker had pegged out during a gruelling session with the dominatrix and then been trussed like a turkey and sent belatedly on the ride of his life, a spokesman for the Auckland Cricket Umpires' Association wailed, "We can't go on losing umpires like this".)

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Current Status: Holidays,

    Exactly. There was no connection at all between his cricket umpiring and what led to his demise.

    But what did the poor man do for a crust? I have no idea and I was reading grown up papers at the time.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Current Status: Holidays,

    Lost in Austen: Thanks! Big gap filled! And I thought, rather beautifully - although doesn't repeat so well.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Current Status: Holidays,

    And I'm sorry to hear that Eartha Kitt is no more.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Current Status: Holidays,

    Now heres a fun thing to do during the holidays. Just needs cardboard boxes and paint.

    Wow! That could take off! I'm sending that to my 7 year old grandson. I think we'll all have a busy New Year.

    Speaking of whitebait - which I know you weren't Stephen but others were - we started Christmas Dinner (actually Christmas Eve dinner because of various fine adjustments that had to be made by various people on Christmas Day) with whitebait fritters. Ten eggs, five tablespoons of flour and just over a kilo of (gently washed and drained of course) whitebait. The turkey almost seemed like an anticlimax - except it wasn't.

    Happy New Year to you all. I do like this blog and all of you clever, witty and nice bloggers.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: From soundbite to policy,

    Delay of Standards Review:

    Perhaps she reads PA.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: From soundbite to policy,


    I'd give you 79-83.

    Very fair. And a lovely answer. Sleep well!

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

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