Posts by Glenn Pearce

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  • Southerly: Liveblog: Moving House (Literally),

    Is the chair on the front porch some sort of "out of level detector" ? You'll know if the chair has fallen over by the time it reaches destination the house went past 45 degrees from Horizontal at some stage in it's journey.

    Either that or you forgot to add "Move chair from front porch" to your To Do list

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: One man’s Meat Puppets is…,

    Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction

    My wife loves it when I quote ZMW lyrics to her...

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Southerly: Deconstruction and Construction,

    The only thing worse than lifting 5097 pavers would be re-laying 5097 pavers.

    That roller in the photo is sure going to get some use at the new place that's for sure. :-)

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Staying Alive, in reply to James Butler,

    Interestingly, I believe the safety recommendation for cyclists turning right is to perform a hook turn rather than move fully into a lane as you suggest. Not sure if it's a road rule as such or just a safety recommendation for cyclists.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Staying Alive, in reply to Lisa Black,

    Lisa, from the act you helpfully linked to

    driver means a person driving a vehicle; and includes the rider of an all terrain vehicle, a motorcycle, a moped, a cycle, a mobility device, or a wheeled recreational device

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Staying Alive, in reply to merc,

    I may be wrong, but I think for the purposes of the road rules, cycles are considered vehicles and it follows that a rider would be driver of said vehicle ?

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Staying Alive, in reply to Russell Brown,

    +1 Russell. What exactly are the rules around passing on the left ? As you say it's common practice but strictly against the road rules ?

    Further, my reading of the reports are that he was already up and out of the car and standing up as Bishop clipped him before crashing. I got the impression he didn't just open the door the instant she was passing.

    If the police wanted to make a example of someone causing injury by opening a car door on a cyclist this was not the case to do it on, too many mitigating factors (cycle lane on footpath, pinchpoint in road, council moves carpark soon after, cyclist dis-obeying road rules ).

    And then the investigating police officer admits in court that he couldn't be sure the accident could have been avoided even if Becker had constantly looked behind him while exiting the car anyway.... it was never going to fly was it really ?

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy,

    one issue has been oddly absent: what about the customers, paying or otherwise, who use the site for its ostensible purpose -- as an online locker for files they own or are permitted to copy?

    In theory it should be the same as when you have personal property in a vehicle that has been impounded, you provide evidence of ownership and it is released to you ?

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dispatches from Summer, in reply to Russell Brown,

    The funniest thing I saw on the 23rd Dec last year was an older lady who queued for about 30 minutes to get in to get 1/2 dozen pork sausages for dinner.....

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dispatches from Summer,

    Queue is out the door and down the stree at the Westmere Butcher and they've been open since 2am.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

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