Posts by Yamis

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  • Hard News: Any excuse for a party,

    Intended to tune in for a couple of minutes but in the end the Breakers and Blues absorbed me to the point that I saw .... 0 + 0 + 0 seconds of the wedding. What a shame. I wonder if the British bookmakers are running odds on how long it will last. I have nothing against either of them and expect they'll be especially motivated to keep it real but that's some serious pressure they live under.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: The file-sharing bill,

    Pretty much sums up the political system and the way people vote in all western democracies.

    National didn't so much win the last election as the voters got sick of Labour. They sure as sh*t haven't brought anything new and refreshing to the table with the same old tired stable of ideological dinosaurs coming back with a plain face leader.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Any room left on the…,

    Yep. If they go out there determined from the get go to win every rebound, nail every pass, pressure the Taipans and are at the very least average with their shooting they should win it by a reasonably comfortable margin.

    It'll be won between the ears somewhat. The Taipans are hard to pick. Will they come out riding high figuring they have nothing to lose or will they come out thinking they've done well to get this far and are up against a very good side on their court and submit.

    Possibly different things going through different players minds so the Breakers will do well to start well and get that negative vibe going on.

    I can't see any 20+ point leads with 15 minutes to go though. This'll be much tighter.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Any room left on the…,


    There were 5 3-pointers in that game that were crazy. Bruton's to get it into overtime with 3 seconds left. Braswell's 2 that gave them the lead and then a 4 point cushion with 12 seconds left, then the 2 by the Taipans to send it into 2nd overtime period.

    Crazy stuff.

    Taipans deserved to see a game 3 though, in the lead for most of the game and then nailed the miracle shots they needed and closed it out at the death.

    So will the Breakers play like they did in game one and win? or will they tense up and the taipans carry on hitting the needed ones? Will Lemanis get the blame if they blow it?

    So many questions, so few fingernails.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Any room left on the…,

    It was actually a pretty good World Cup, I and others were surprised to find how into it we got as it went along.

    It needed 2 games a day instead of the usual 1 but aside from that it was quite intriguing and the crowds were terrific.

    The Breakers have been fantastic in the past few games, and Pledgers one handed alley-oop dunk from well away from the hoop was madness. NBA highlight reel styles.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Media7: Doing it for the Kids, in reply to Kyle Matthews,

    Kyle: "Bullying to me feels like a problem which could benefit from a similar strategy as the "it's not OK" adverts, but targetted more towards youth in medium and presentation."

    Maybe. But I'm not sure a lot of the idiotic, bullying juniors are mentally able to process what they are doing. They get instructed by teachers ALL THE TIME, in fact DOZENS of times a day (I shit you not), not to engage in shit house behaviour, but carry on with it. Getting kicked out of class, detentions, restorative meetings, parents in, stood down from school, suspended.... and it goes on and on, and we aren't allowed to kick them out of school.

    and guess where it starts more often than not?.... in that place called 'home' where they've been moved all over the country-side, beaten senseless, in party houses, tinnie houses, gang houses, FAS mums, broken homes, living with grandma, an auntie, parents with no boundaries.....

    and it's schools faults for not being able to deal with them in amongst the other 2000 kids.

    We are about the only 'normal' people and place in their lives.

    And my heart goes out to CYFS because we just scratch the surface. They have to go into the homes.

    It's OK though. We can just build more prisons and make sentences tougher. That'll work

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Media7: Doing it for the Kids,

    It's a pretty common thing for the government to do with schools.

    If your stand down rate is 'too high' or higher than other schools then it sets off alarm bells down in Mars (Wellington). They don't bother to come and look at each one on a case by case basis and go "good job, you obviously have a robust discipline system, keep it up".

    You really are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

    We get really good ERO reports though when they do their 3-4 yearly camp outs at school.

    I understand the government wanting things to be done a certain way but a lot of their "instructions" and "advice" is really akin to trying to run a war from a bunker 5,000 miles away knowing none of the soldiers, combatants, or neighbourhood.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Media7: Doing it for the Kids,

    Having first hand experience of this whole bullying thing being a teacher at a high school that may or may not have featured on a certain current affairs show very recently...... :)

    Bullying is obviously an issue that schools have to deal with on a daily, hour by hour, often minute by minute basis. In many ways and for many kids the horse has bolted and the ambulance is at the bottom of the cliff, with teachers trying to climb the sheer face of it to sort it all out.

    In terms of solutions our hands are tied. We get in trouble for standing down and suspending large numbers of kids for violence, drugs, bullying. We are instructed by the ministry to stop doing it.

    So we aren't allowed to remove too many kids, meaning we have to deal with them as best we can with whatever mechanisms we have at school, detentions, restorative meetings, monitoring behaviour lesson by lesson etc.

    Problem is schools are grossly understaffed in terms of dealing with all the problem students that we have. Try putting 15 misbehaving 14 years olds in the same room and add another 10 well behaved/mannered students on top of that. And that's ONE class.

    It's an 'interesting' soup.

    With the media coverage I know of certain things that would have contradicted what the media was saying and so they declined to broadcast/publish it because if it bleeds it leads. The reporting of Tolley's speech to the principals was 'selective', and TV3 suddenly went deaf when they heard something very important and DIRECTLY related to their story that didn't fit their world view.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Up Front: Where You From?,

    I'm from the bronx, the ghetto, the hood, the woods, the womb, the tomb, the corner, spawn of jack horner, vikings, enemies, romans, roamers, countrywomen, the cupboard, squalid, adventurers, boozers, teetotallers, totalled, the tellie, the murdoch's, the mutha hubbard, the crack in yo alley, lillee's, and flowers, the bush, yo tush, the stars, afar, the jones's, avondale, the house, deloused, korea, diarrhea, te atatu, the dawn, str-8 pawn, the west side, best side, waitak, my mum, from tum, walters, the web, tangled sheets, a bed, until I'm dead.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Thread, It Is Open,

    I'd give us a 30/70 chance if we bat first.
    20/80 if we bat second.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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