Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Polity: Cold, calculated and cynical, in reply to ,

    Have sent an email in support of the Speaker….

    Mr. Speaker,

    Here is the contact details for the appropriate support agencies.

    The National Foundation for the Deaf

    Please don't link real hearing organisations with this, Rosemary. As Lilith notes, the sole deaf MP was one of the women who walked out.

    Given that there wasn't much else to the comment but the bung joke, I've deleted it.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Polity: Cold, calculated and cynical,

    Here's today's utter fucking horrorshow:

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Polity: Cold, calculated and cynical,

    From Danyl’s post on the matter:

    Here’s an example. Mid-way through Key’s performance he yelled ‘Labour can back child molesterers (sic) and murderers, I’m backing New Zealanders.’ The line doesn’t make any sense in the context of the debate, because – as Key has pointed out – the detainees on Christmas Island are New Zealand citizens who can come back to New Zealand whenever they want, and Labour are arguing for their right to stay in Australia. But the line was great theatre so it made the news on both TV stations where it no doubt sounded pretty good to the majority of viewers who don’t know the details of the issue. The only reason Key said something so non-nonsensical is because he knew the gallery TV journalists would play the line without analysing its non-sensicality.


    Things aren’t all bad though. TV3’s Patrick Gower read from a list supplied to him by Key’s office numerating the number of murderers and child molesters, etc, that they claim are on Christmas Island. The list didn’t stack up for an instant and my twitter feed became a flood of outrage. TVNZ was almost certainly given the list too – their audience is many times larger than TV3’s – but they didn’t cover it, presumably because they knew they were being played. So there is some judgement going on, sometimes.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: After Len, in reply to Jim Cathcart,

    OK Julie, I know what you’re saying but the chances of Auckland becoming a city based around public transport nodes is rather pie in the sky don’t you think? And if this really were the great vision, what is happening in terms of mid- to high-density development happening in the modes of the CRL right now?

    That’s what’s happening in New Lynn and it’s great. The brownfields housing development is based around the train-and-bus station, on the Western Line.

    Do you really think 3.5 km of rail is going to make a difference?

    It’ll make a major difference.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Polity: Cold, calculated and cynical,

    To summarise:

    Four of the 199 Christmas Island detainees are sex offenders and a further six are separately classified as child sex offenders (which includes pornography). The 40 New Zealanders on the island may or may not be among them.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Polity: Cold, calculated and cynical, in reply to Lucy Telfar Barnard,

    paint Davis as the assaulter, and Key as the assaulted.

    Gower did the same thing. It's bizarre. Davis's first words were a polite "excuse me, Prime Minister". He did use the word "gutless", but he wasn't at all aggressive, or obstructive.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Polity: Cold, calculated and cynical, in reply to simon g,

    When TV3’s political editor is uncritically running Key’s lines, it’s hard for other lines to get through.

    Not just uncritically, misleadingly. I'm really angry about this.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Polity: Cold, calculated and cynical, in reply to chris,

    On 3News tonight Patirck Gower had a document he’d just received from the PMO stating there are 22 murderers etc.

    And didn't make it clear that this wasn't only Christmas Island – indeed, seemed to deliberately obscure that important distinction – didn't note the total number (some of whom are likely to have been convicted of no crime at all) and didn't have a word about the 309 people who have not been any of those things.

    Just said "the psychos are coming". It was about as bad as Gallery reporting gets. You can watch it here if you like.

    Meanwhile the Australian Immigration minister Peter Dutton has said there are a total of four sex offenders on Christmas Island – who may or may not be New Zealanders. So that's how cynical Key was today.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Polity: Cold, calculated and cynical, in reply to Dylan Reeve,

    The ‘truth’, as spoken by the Prime Minister and soon widely reported by the media, is that the majority of the detainees are violent sex offenders. The PM even has a document to prove it, although he doesn’t think he’ll be able to make it public

    Justice Minister Amy Adams admitted today that the government can't say for sure whether there's even one sex offender on the island.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Polity: Cold, calculated and cynical, in reply to Bart Janssen,

    “I kind of agree with that stand up guy John Key – we don’t want those nasty criminals to come back to NZ”

    Yes. I just saw someone on Facebook buying the whole "they wouldn't be there if they weren't dangerous, violent criminals" pitch.


    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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