Posts by Danielle
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Danielle, you were going to get bitter no matter what. Face it. ... Seems to me you're bitter to your very core about the entire position I hold. I'm a very bad man for not just doing as I'm told...
Oh lawdy. The whining. Dude, just a nugget of advice from your pal, Bitter McGee: you might want to rethink this particular line of argument in future discussions, because it's... kind of unintentionally hilarious. :)
Awww, thanks. :)
But wait! Is the win messing up my endocrine system? I am concerned.
Star Trek - wooden characters, drifting in a sparsely painted universe.
But those are the things which make Star Trek awesome. That, and the Beatle boots.
Look. Here is something I find annoying: the 'you're just imagining what I said was insulting' argument. Ben, you said 'duplicitous' was taken out of context and was a mistake. Please, do let me recontextualise it for you: when you used it, you illustrated that word with a story of a fat man secretly eating chips in the middle of the night. You said 'They are very duplicitous about how much they are eating, both to others and to themselves.'
Now you've done some vague retraction by redefining what 'duplicitous' means to the extent that it doesn't, in fact, mean duplicitous any more. But I did not 'add a moral tone to it which was never there', and it's totally fucking disingenuous to say otherwise.
(I was about to say that I'm not normally this petty, but I think it's fairly conclusively proven that I am *exactly* this petty. Heh.)
I like 'Silly Love Songs', so I clearly have no judgement whatsoever. Hey, what about 'Maybe I'm Amazed'? That's pretty good too...
Oh, Linda was OK, really... can we just blame everything on Yoko? Interesting artist, thoroughly annoying person.
Long life? I spit on the concept.
You'll probably outlive us all because you're not worrying about this shit. :)
to be fair Don, that was almost three decades ago, in the darkest days
I think the early 70s were still pretty good for Paul, though. 'Another Day', 'Every Night', 'Band on the Run', 'Coming Up', 'Jet', 'Junk'... we're kind of Wings revisionists in our household. I mean, even in the same year as 'Wonderful Christmas Time' (admittedly horrible) he put out 'Goodnight Tonight' and 'Daytime Nighttime Suffering'...
I wash my hands of a lot of the 80s output though. Still, even Bowie went through a bad couple of years then...
Stephen (of 'Nails it Again' fame), snap! I was just about to use 'deliberately deceptive' to explain what I think when I read 'duplicitous'. But you've done it for me. :)
For some people who output almost no energy at all and have incredibly efficient fat storage, that might be a tiny amount of food.
Ben, I'm thrilled that you've come around on your 'fatties are duplicitous and eat too much crap' position. I'm willing to let everything else (and believe me, there's a lot of it) go just for that one point, because it was the thing that got me rarked up in the first place.
I see the infomercial now. 'The Matthews Cucumber Diet: eat as many cups of cucumber as you can stand per day and watch the pounds drop off!'
You could make millions, Kyle.