Posts by Danielle
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I wasn't quite seeing the Paul Lynde resemblance but then I watched this.
Irrelevantly: is that the late, lamented Van Johnson? Huh!
70's ELO? Right on.
ELO: underrated. I don't care how much everyone hates Jeff Lynne.
I have funeral music issues. I can't work out whether I'd want 'songs I think are awesome, which I am forcing everyone to listen to, no matter how inappropriate' or 'beautiful songs which would fit the occasion'.
I was also concerned to note that false teeth might be released into the river -- which, in my opinion, is even more terrifying than ordinary sewage.
True story: my uncle once lost his false teeth while swimming at Takapuna beach. (He was drunk at the time.) Two wacky things then occurred: he reported them lost to the police station (did I mention he was drunk?) and actually *recovered them* the next day via the police lost property.
I want to meet that good and amazingly non-squeamish samaritan one day. A person who would, while wandering along Takapuna beach, pick up someone else's false teeth and hand them in to a police station is... really unusual, surely?
So I can't quite grasp why Danielle's got the fear over the ads in on-demand programming that she never has to look at if she doesn't wanna.
If it has that function, at some point someone's going to introduce a 'can't fast forward through ads on programmes you have recorded your own self' function, is what I'm thinking.
Maybe all that pot I smoked made me 'noid. :)
Paul Henry: Recurrent Douche
It could be the title of his biography! -
It doesn't sound onerous.
That depends on your ad tolerance. Mine is veddy, veddy low.
Yes, but on-demand is the stuff you forgot to record or extra content not otherwise broadcast on the telly, right?
I still think it's a dangerous precedent.
You will not be able to fast-forward through the ads in on-demand programmes
I shall, therefore, keep my boring old MySky. It is now my god-given right to fastforward through all ads, dammit!
Yeah. I have a lot of Qualities O' Bogan (westie, own a Subaru Impreza and a big-ass dog etc), but a douche is a douche is a douche. To paraphrase Gertrude Stein.
Oh yeah. And feminist theory. And medical history. Actually, it occurs to me that there is literally no one fully qualified to take part in this conversation.
Last one out turn off the lights!