Posts by Paul Rowe

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  • Island Life: Abusage,

    To use two non-number-related examples: 1) if a halfback throws a hospital pass to a first-five, it gets described as "average", when, in fact, such passes are poor, bad, etc, etc. If it was an "average" pass, it would be a regulation, good, easy to catch pass.

    But to be fair, the commentator is damning with faint praise. An "average" player wouldn't be in the team, as these guys are supposed to be the best in town/province/region/nation/world at what they do. To aspire to be as good as Dan the Man, but be assessed as being only good enough to be average, is quite the put down.

    My fave euphemism for poor is from cricket, when a slog is described as "agricultural". No idea where it came from or what it is supposed to mean.

    Hate when footbvall commentators refer to a player "pressurizing" the goal keeper, that really winds me up, and anybody who feels "obligated" to do something, when, they are surely "obliged"?

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Hard News: Radio Times,

    One other thought (on another medium): why do so many TV journos preface every sentence with "Now"?--as "Now, John Key is going to..."

    I'd suggest a battery connected to Duncan Garner's testicles that give him a shock every time he starts a sentence "Listen..."

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    The whole racist thing about apes really pisses me off, it has stolen something that was precious to me.

    There's story somewhere about a woman int he States getting a citation (?) for racial abuse for allegedly yelling, "come down out of the tree, you little monkeys" at a group of kids who were playing in said tree. (PC gone mad, if you believe the writer (Mark Stein, maybe?) but he then used it as an excuse for not increasing funding to US state schools.<digression/>

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    I don't understand this. What's he saying? What's he asking? What's the answer? Apes come from... Los Angeles? Tennis clubs? It's so confused and ignorant.. is it offensive?

    I refer you to the habit of some supporters of making ape noises and throwing bananas at black players until at least the the 90s in England and the 21st century in some parts of Europe.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Cracker: I don't just read the…,

    What kind of moron pays many tens of thousands for In the Air Tonight and then puts the key drum fill in the wrong place?

    The sort of moron who:

    a) has only got 30 seconds to play with

    b) wants to get to the end of a Phil Collins song as quickly as possible

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mood,

    Thanks Craig. I remember seeing that for the first time on a Radio With Pictures 10th Anniversary of Punk show, back in the day. My maths suggests it was 1987. Happy days.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Cracker: I don't just read the…,

    I can't for the life of me work out the appeal, but it's the coolest ad I've seen in years.

    And it's for chocolate? Go figure.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Cracker: I don't just read the…,

    Rich, I bow to your superior knowledge on this one. Hersham Boys came on my iPod recently when I had it on shuffle, and I noticed it.

    The comments on the Youtube clip says it all - "Cockney Cowboys, when the f--- has Hersham been in London!!"

    I noticed what ads look like when you use real amateurs - check out the Lotto ad with the "What would you do?" question being answered ("I'd send my wife to the moon" etc).

    And my kkids love the gorilla playing the drums ad for cadbury. Whoever came up with that is a blingin' genius.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Cracker: I don't just read the…,

    Chavs are the yobbos from out East London way who were famous for crimes against fashion like Burberry Check baseball caps, trackpants and the like. The birds wear those hideous silver nylon puffer jackets, even in the height of summer. Not sure where the term originates, but I'm sure in the talky bit at the end of Hersham Boys you can hear Jimmy Pursey saying awright chavvy? a number of times.

    I think that bloke from The Streets is some sort of Chav hero.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Cracker: I don't just read the…,

    I wonder if this is similar to the outcry after TVNZ screened Forgotten Silver back in the 1990s, when people found out it was a superb fake. We'd so wanted it to be true, no matter how outlandish, it was a real letdown to discover the truth!

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

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