Posts by HORansome

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  • Hard News: The best blogger there never was,

    You know, Gio, given the ACT Party's love of the Cato Institute, paraphrasing a classical Cato line about Rodney really is the bee's knees (to me).

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    The big question we should be asking is "Why did Switzerland do this to us?"

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    With regards to Twitter; at a conference earlier this year I had the pleasure to attend a paper on the role of Twitter in the Mumbai terrorist attacks in November 2008. The paper's authors, Onook Oha, Manish Agrawalb and H. Raghav Rao, looked at the tweets originating from Mumbai from the 26th to 30th of November and went through not just how the tweets differed from the media reporting but also how the tweets acting as a calming agent, what with people reaching out to assure others and provide concrete details of what was going on. I suspect a similar analysis could be run for #eqnz (and, I suspect, a MA thesis or two on the topic is probably being born even as I type).

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Southern Apps,

    I've seen too many people in the last few months of their PhD try to work out why Word is skipping footnotes or refusing to paginate their document properly; it's just not designed for long-form work. The proprietary file format it uses is also a minus.

    (I also dislike the constant UI changes Word goes through, but that is another matter.)

    I must admit that I use a different kind of painful; I use LaTeX. It's primary advantage is that you don't need to worry about how a document looks; you just focus on the content. It requires learning a certain amount of mark-up, but it's remarkably stable, was made for academics, produces great looking output (LaTeX is a fontographer's dream, given it's impressive kerning system and its understanding of ligatures) and...

    Well, no one uses its because WYSIWYG is all the rage.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Southern Apps,

    Of course, if you're using Word for academic use, then you're using the wrong software.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Southern Apps,

    Believe me, the fact that I can't hack the micro-controller on my microwave to do other than it's lockdowned task really gets on my nerves.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Southern Apps,

    My source at Renaissance tells me that the version of Keynote on the iPad was a bit of a rush job (it is incompatible with certain features of Keynote 09) and that it will get updated and we will see an improved presenters screen.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Creepy Party,

    Gah, Ansell's using the same Wordpress theme as the one I've gone back to. I feel the need to change my theme pronto.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Creepy Party,

    Socialism believes that social good comes from increased government spending.

    Let me stop you there. That's a crude stereotyping of Socialism. Go back to Go. Do not collect $200.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Creepy Party,

    Gio, did you mean to write "Mouldoon?" Because if you did, bravo. I usually hate the nicknames we give politicians (like "Hyde" for Rodney Hide) but the "mould" in Mouldoon is brilliant.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

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