Posts by Christopher Dempsey

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  • Hard News: Gaying Out, in reply to Sacha,

    Wearing my ER hat...

    No, not really - it didn't get down to that level of detail - but it is a good reminder - I'm deaf (you should see my $9k hearing aids), my brother is in a wheelchair and my other brother is blind. So I will make sure that all Local Bds consider disability in their plans.

    Doffing said hat...

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: Gaying Out, in reply to Jackie Clark,

    Yes, am free - you'll need to email me at my council address which is


    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Muse: Shelf Life: The Dying Elephant in…, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    + 1 @ Craig. I'm not buying the interwebz killed the book star argument... there's more to this story than a cabinet at the side of the road...

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Muse: Shelf Life: The Dying Elephant in…, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Yes, Levenes?

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Muse: Shelf Life: The Dying Elephant in…, in reply to MikeE,

    Strangely enough, Real Groovy ditched alot of music and expanded their book section, which points to, well something. Possibly their range, not to be found in either Unity Books or Whitcoulls is well, unique. Goths/punks/indies/alternates etc apparently do read.

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: Gaying Out,

    Thanks all for your apologies - which to be honest I wasn't expecting. I was just voicing my frustration... being gay is well, unique, and totally fabulous which I wouldn't swap for the world, but that fabulousness has a dark side... which one endures.

    Anyway, sticking my professional elected rep hat on...

    I've just finished up two days of a 'symposium' where the Local Boards got together to listen to wonderful speakers, and to start to think about our Local Board Plans.

    My advice to you is to get close (in whatever way you choose) to your favourite Local Board Member and be informed about the Local Board Plans. In other words, private venture captial speak, get in on the ground floor.

    Whipping off said hat...

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: Gaying Out,

    To be honest, all I want to do is have the civil right to marry my partner, and the whole bleepin’ conversation descends into incest, poly something or other, marrying dogs, condescending comments about the gays wanting civil rights, and goodness know what.

    It’s quite depressing knowing my desire provokes discussion that equivocates it to the worst of humanity. Since when did discussion of heterosexual marriage lead to discussion of incest, marrying horses, poly whatever, and other scintillating titbits and innanities which in the end are nothing to do with heterosexual marriage? Or my wanting to marry my partner??

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: Gaying Out, in reply to Glen Wright,

    Should I spoil the form and say "my legal husband" and get my partner to do the same?

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: Gaying Out,

    Curse the time difference:

    Damn it. Going +4 is a bit like saying ‘me too’. Yeah, me too.



    Is this a record?

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: Gaying Out,

    So, who's going to buy Key's 'book' when it comes out? I sure ain't. Be a waste of $50 or whatever the going rate these days is. Is someone willing to volunteer to read it and give us the summary in 30 words or less?

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

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