Posts by Craig Ranapia

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  • Muse: Hooray for Wellywood (Really!), in reply to JackElder,

    retrieve a gnome that had been stolen from our front doorstep (long story).

    Wasn’t me. (Shut up, Dobby, or I’ll let Gollum eat another finger.) Um, carry on. Nothing to see here.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Hooray for Wellywood (Really!), in reply to mattgeeknz,


    I’m really sorry if this sounds condescending, and it’s not mean to be, but doesn’t it all boil down to I don’t like it? I’m very sorry if you got the impression I’m trying to crush anyone’s dissent. Hello, you did read my pan of Black Swan, right? :)

    But I reserve the right to find much of the reaction, at best, disproportionate to the nature of the offence as I see it. (Which is no way abrogates anyone's right to exercise their freedoms of speech, assembly and to seek redress under the law.) At worse, it’s verging on the downright creepy and offensive.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Hooray for Wellywood (Really!), in reply to Scott A,

    This is about Infratil deciding, on behalf of an entire city that a significant piece of landscape is to be permanent home of a dad joke! Or, as Queen of Thorns wrote very well, the equivalent of a George Clooney moustache.

    And don't raise the straw man of Moa, or the Asteron building, Craig. You can't justify the sign on Moa's advertising, you know that. And you also know you can't find the opposition to the Asteron building, as compared to the opposition to the WELLYWOOD sign. Straw men like that are easily burnt.

    Damn, Scott, I can't get rid of you.

    First, if you're going to come here and tell anyone what they really think you're not going to get a friendly reception. That shit will play over at the SubStandard and Kiwibog. Not here. Not ever. You do me and everyone the else the basic courtesy of assuming all arguments are made in good faith.

    Yes, Scott I'm more fucking outraged by fugly buildings like the Asteron Center and the calculated vandalism of heritage buildings than that stupid sign. And I'm seriously offended by troll marketing. Damn skippy I have a fucking big problem with inciting criming offending (or pandering to homophobia) to sell better -- it's wrong even if YOU don't like the intended target.

    I can't help but get that your mileage varies significantly, but your imputation of bad faith on my part is crossing the line from tiresome to downright offensive.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Hooray for Wellywood (Really!), in reply to Tom Beard,

    We have no discretion over the semantic content of a billboard (one-off, unique signs may be differenr), but there are (I think) advertising standards that would cover notions of offensiveness.

    There is the Advertising Standards Authority - though that opens a whole other argument about whether industry self-regulation is just setting the foxes to guard the hen house then being surprised at the mounds of bloody feathers about the place.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Hooray for Wellywood (Really!), in reply to Kracklite,

    Kewl. Casting is surely an art in itself

    That it is. Apparently, the first actor who auditioned for Watson had more luck with Moffat a week later. :)

    "We’d already cast Benedict Cumberbatch [as Sherlock Holmes] and the very first person we saw for Dr Watson was Matt, who came in and gave a very good audition.

    “But he didn’t have a chance in hell of getting it ’cos he was clearly more of a Sherlock Holmes than a Dr Watson. There was also something a bit barmy about him – and you don’t actually want that for Dr Watson, you want someone a bit straighter.”

    Moffat added that he felt that Smith was “clamping down on his barminess” for the audition.

    I’d really like to see Smith’s Who audition tape one day…

    Definitely looking forward to the DVD set with all the extras and commentaries.

    Quite -- would be very interested in seeing the 60 minute tabloid-enraging pilot version of 'A Study in Pink' -- which is an extra on the UK-US DVDs but wouldn't assume would wash up in R4. (For that matter, I'm still pissed the backdoor pilot of Being Human isn't on the series one DVDs.)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Hooray for Wellywood (Really!), in reply to Kumara Republic,

    One big difference: the Eiffel never pretended to be an ersatz imitation of anything.

    It was still widely loathed by the “creative community” of Paris (Maupaussant supposed took his lunch every day in the tower’s restaurant because it was the only place in Paris you couldn’t see the damn thing) and the only reason it wasn’t demolished when its permit expired in 1909 was because the City of Paris found it rather useful as a radio mast.

    But, no, I'm not entirely convinced it's a particularly useful helpful exhibit for either the prosecution or the defence. (Though part of me would love to see someone try to get resource consent for a 325m tall lattice tower in the middle of Wellington. Just for the sheer entertainment value.)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Hooray for Wellywood (Really!), in reply to Scott A,

    You may talk about a city you lived in half you life, I talk about a city I've lived in all my life. That doesn't matter to me. It is neither here nor there.

    It really mattered to you when you decided to come in my house and tell me to STFU because nobody outside Wellington has anything to say about the matter, Scott. I think the most constructive response from my end is "we really need to agree to disagree and move on".

    But just for the record, I have a lot of sympathy with folks who complain about Public Address being rather Auckland-centric and for various practical reasons, it's going to take a while before that substantially changes in my corner. But I don't put geoblocks on discussion, and I'm not going to be very patient with Auckland based PASers who try.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Hooray for Wellywood (Really!),

    Finally, Scott, do I have your permission to keep mocking a brewery based in Blenheim and run from Auckland that thinks dyke-baiting and offering booze for criminal offending (“no questions asked”) is clever?

    Don’t even get me started on troll marketing with the chutzpah to invoke the “civil disobedience” practised at Parihaka, Montgomery and during the Salt Satyagraha. I thought this was tacky enough…

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Hooray for Wellywood (Really!), in reply to Scott A,

    This is my fucking city you’re fucking mocking with your gnome equivalences. To put it bluntly.

    OK, Scott, I’ll shut the fuck up about the city I’ve lived in for two-third of my life and still adore no matter how often it breaks it my heart. And just between us that kind of domesticated jingoism was something I didn’t miss while desperately homesick for years after my partner moved us up here because no matter how wonderful Welly is it’s no place to be unemployed in your late 50s. For that matter, it’s no less noxious in Super-Shitty Dorkland. (See what I did there?)

    There’s so much that wonderful about Wellington, along with stuff that drives me nuts. Which, in the balance of things, make it remarkably similar to everywhere else. And, yes, my visceral loathing of a harmless garden ornament is absurdly disproportionate to the nature of the aesthetic offence. (I also used to be a spectacular bore about the Sky Tower. Don't ask for examples.) Which is exactly how I feel about what I consider an over-reaction to a fucking sign. Please feel free to put the counter-argument, but if you really want to play “STFU JAFA”, you’re going to be playing by yourself.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Hooray for Wellywood (Really!),

    Speaking of incivil disagreement, if one of my more charming e-mail correspondents is reading this, a usage note.

    "Fucking JAFA" is not only a tautology but one that uses a cliché that was whiskery when Roger Hall trotted it out in Market Forces fifteen years ago.

    Try 'Rangitoto Yank' instead. I'm a sucker for well-tailored vintage.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

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