Posts by Cecelia

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  • Hard News: What we have really lost,

    not voters but something a bit more glittery

    What, gold in them thar hills? No ...

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: What we have really lost,

    This is the common "I want you to have justice, just as long as it doesn't interfere with what I want" justice.

    I know what you mean. I'm an old tramper and I am just trying to articulate my fierce love of the bush and mountains and a probably irrational fear that something will be taken away ... I'm trying to to tap into John Key's rationale for pulling back. Although I'm not a national voter, there might be a rich vein of other voters who would hate to see a change of ownership ...

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: What we have really lost,

    While most of us live near the shoreline, and treasure that fact, very few New Zealanders will ever venture to Te Urewera.

    I have to disagree with this Russell. I've walked the track round Lake Waikaremoana twice and understand it to be a very popular three day tramp. While I love the shoreline, I also treasure our inland beauties as do countless others. The Tongariro Crossing is meant to be one of the best one day walks in the world.

    I can still remember my first tramp in the Ureweras and the unspoilt podocarp forest which took my breath away. I haven't done my research into injustices to Tuhoe. I want them to have justice. OTOH, I feel very uneasy about messing with the status of a national park.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • 2010: The Cultural YTD,

    The New Yorker article and the China Mieville essay both duly read ... Both confirm my prejudices - a lovely thing on a Sunday night.

    I'm glad The Hurt Locker won the Best Picture award.

    The real world is full of amazing stories and if we're talking sci fi and fantasy, has anything recent topped Bladerunner for sci fi aesthetics and narrative???? I am soooo over LOTR and all that stuff.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • 2010: The Cultural YTD,

    Ahh, recordari! I'm reading a Jasper Fforde. The Eyre Affair. Saw it in the wonderful Browsers in Hamilton and thought of you. It's a bit madcap for me but I can't resist the literary detective thing.

    And on a more general note: this morning on Kim Hill - two wonderful interviews about books and writers. I was in seventh heaven.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • 2010: The Cultural YTD,

    Just saw Hurt Locker - not a best but good, I thought. Taut, tight and honest for the most part. I think back to its Oscar rival Avatar and think - how forgettable. (I saw a Newsweek cover in a bookstand - Roger Ebert asserting that 3D was bad for films. I agree.The Hurt Locker was much more of a ride I thought and it didn't need no fancy 3D.)

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Random Play: Police. Security. Screams.…,

    It's a bit like Twilight isn't it? I find Stephanie Meyer barely literate and downright creepy, but I'm not a twelve year-old girl and I'm not supposed to get it.

    I think she tells a compelling story (first book).

    I get it and I'm 63. Yes, there are co-dependent relationships but the way she describes a girl's attraction to a boy is strangely effective IMHO.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Random Play: Police. Security. Screams.…,

    A great blog entry. You put into words the fond feelings I had when I saw the excited girls talking about their idol. And it was intriguing that the whole thing built up without my hearing about it. Now that I'm not teaching I miss out on a lot of that pop culture and I miss it.

    To their credit, some of the girls were conscious of the phenomenon they were experiencing. Can't remember the words ...

    And Bieber is like, soooo cute. And he was discovered on Youtube - thanks to his mother!!!

    I'm not a belieber - but ...

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Busytown: All in the game,

    I'm always jumping back but ... referring to Stead's story and Nigel Cox's article about Stead ... I read them both last night and thought that Cox was really harsh. I admire Stead. Enjoyed his recent 'My Name is Judas'. He was a good lecturer and his New Poetic textbook was a jewel.

    But the winning short story was tragic. Heck, the country sounded like NZ. The style was boring and the revenge theme quite sick. Very surprised it won the competition.

    How does one psychoanalyse creative people?

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Cracker: About a Boy,

    Damien - I love that comment about Baltimore people saying that The Wire contained stereotypes. It's a really good point. The word stereotype for Boy is probably too strong, I admit - Rocky is pretty unique. Everyone I know has a soft spot for Rocky ...

    I can't quite articulate what I feel about the film. A friend suggested I watch Maori TV for a wider representation of Maori ...

    By the way, Land of the Long White Cloud was IMHO a great kiwi film.

    I don't know if you would like Dragon Tattoo. A good read but not great fodder for the soul:)

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

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