Posts by HORansome

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  • Hard News: The McCully Touch,

    I see Peter Cresswell has also got in on the act of trying to rehabilitate Haden's comment. Russell's fisking of Cresswell's lack of an argument simply has Cresswell going "Can't we all just get along without getting along?" which is a great example of just how intellectually rigorous the Libertarianz really are.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: The McCully Touch,

    The people at the New Zealand Conservative blog also came out in support of the "HIV does not cause AIDS" camp recently. They are a weird lot and remind me why, even before the collapse of my theism, I found my fellow Catholics a disturbing and horrible lot.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Gushing for Auckland,

    Conspiracy, Russell, conspiracy...


    Actually, this sounds more like a rumour and the question is whether it's a case of rumouring (the trusting transmission of plausible propositions, which means hearing the rumour gives you grounds to form a warranted belief in the rumoured proposition) or whether its a case of rumour-mongering (in which case the rumour is being spread maliciously and thus the trusting transmission of it breaks down). I realise it's a bit tricky to answer this on a public forum, but do you trust Bill Ralston enough to accept his denial (I'm not passing judgement over Ralston's character here, I might add) or do you trust your three (independent?) sources?

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Piss-poor on PEDA,

    "Wishartian." I'm going to try and get that into my thesis.

    "Richard Gage suddenly went all Wishartian..." Yep, that works.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing with the Poo,

    I don't know art, but I do know what I like... and the internet is made up of 80% of it?

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing with the Poo,

    I've been meaning to ask this for a while, Russell, but is it possible to somehow show on System that the post has been updated (and then tell the RSS feed about the update)? I ask because you sometimes update your Monday/Tuesday (today, Wednesday) post with details about Media 7 and whilst I don't mind refreshing the original post from time to time to see the updated information, it seems like this is something some technology should be doing instead.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing with the Poo,

    Not just an awesome trainwreck, a potential trilogy of trainwrecks.

    Although, I have to say, I'm still sore about there being no part 2 to "Battlefield: Earth." That was some of the best worst movie material I've ever had the pleasure to see on the big screen.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing with the Poo,

    Yet David Farrar and Lynn Prentice aren't troll farming out of the same remand cell... Which isn't a bad thing, BTW.

    It's one of those days; I read "troll farming" as "raising those plastic toys with brightly-coloured hair" and wondered what I had missed in the news.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing with the Poo,

    Anyway, let's not reopen the wounds of that particular discussion. Instead, let us poke fun at Objectivists and, at the same time, bemoan the fact they are being censored.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing with the Poo,

    Some have been alleged to be in association with a very small cache of weapons, yes, but that's the subject of the current charge, not the subject of the original investigation.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

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