Posts by HORansome

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  • Hard News: Standing with the Poo,

    Not to reopen old wounds, but, yes, Perigo did call for armed insurrection and didn't seem to be questioned about it, which I took to be rather odd at the time and still find odd today. I mean, yes, he and his cronies are Objectivists and could never properly conspire to do such a thing because they would immediately fall out with one another on matters of deeply held principle, but still, armed insurrection? Others who have been accused of promoting such an act have had the might of the State come down upon them...

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing with the Poo,

    Hmm, third post already? Anyway, I'm not sure the Grand Wizard is in anyway innocent of Science; he does seem to quite actively protest against any science which has the temerity to be political (such as this blasted socialist weather system which is trying to persuade us that the climate is changing).

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing with the Poo,

    Also, I like how the button for the first post is "Start Discussion."

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing with the Poo,

    We seem to be developing a culture of saying "First!" here as if we're the denizens of comment threads at Ain't It Cool News.


    After your last show with Jon, Mr. Litterick and I were walking home and bumped into some fellow from the Listener who was very disparaging of Mr. Stephenson. It seems that getting out of your armchair to do research isn't responsible journalism...

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Future of the Future,

    But Graeme, you aren't actually disputing my thesis, which is that people use TV as a touchstone. Sure, lots of people watch TV that other people think is crap, but that doesn't mean they aren't intellectually involved in it. Being "intellectually involved" doesn't necessitate that what people watch is by any means "of superb literary credentials." It just means they treat it as something they engage with, talk about with friends and the like.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Future of the Future,

    With regards to the intellectual activity of engaging in TV; I'd wager most people treat their favourite shows as something they get involved with the analysis of. I don't really hate to say it, although some people might be ashamed of admitting such a thing, but a lot of my best and long-term friendships have sprung entirely from discussing why show X has literary qualities and so forth. I've bonded with so many people over the plot-arc of "Babylon 5" and the arguments as to whether its first season has any merit (I, for one, love "TKO").

    Culture, pop or otherwise, is a touchstone for a lot of people, and people get invested in it. Harking back to the thread on "LOST," people like talking about the items of culture they have in common, which is why FTA TV is so important. I can't afford to go to all that many shows or gigs, but I can watch a bit of TV (and I am very selective in my watching these days (which doesn't mean I only watch quality TV, mind)), which gives me something to talk to others about, in the same way that talking about the weather,m the news, sports and politics allows us to be the social beings we are.

    When you talk about such things, you tend to have opinions, backed by reasons. I don't accept the notion that we merely and passively watch TV. I suspect that is the case in some situations (like the family watching TV together and chatting; the TV part might well be passive) but often we engage in it so we can engage others about it later.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Future of the Future,

    The new Coro title set seems, to me at least, to be getting ready to morph into a coffee ad.

    Also, too many pigeons.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Budget 2010: What’d you expect?,

    Just a point of order, gentlefolk. Gross generalisations aren't ad hominem arguments; they're more a variety of the Strawman Fallacy but, really just call them what they are, which is a gross generalisation.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: What we have really lost,

    Devonport is the Shore, though. A) Most the people I know in Devonport (and I grew up there, so know a lot) are redneck National voters. B) Most the people I know in Devonport (and I grew up there, so know a lot) are redneck National voters.

    I know that's the same point twice, but, ala Kryten, I felt it was important to stress it.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: What we have really lost,

    As someone who grew up in Devonport, let me be the first to say that I apologise profusely for people from the North Shore. We are not good people and that's why we are stuck with Wayne Mapp (although I'm not; I'm now stuck with with Nikki Kaye).

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

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