Posts by Sam F
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If there's one good thing to come from it, he'll eat into Banksie's vote.
My thoughts precisely.
Hon BILL ENGLISH: That kind of advice is not unusual—
Hon Members: Ha, ha!
Presume you meant parts of Auckland where less than 75% of people do travel to work by car? Interesting map though - makes you wonder if those North Shore suburbs could become a nicer shade of blue if the powers that be got a move on with a bridge cycle link...
Hah, brilliant follow-up from Danyl:
DPF is in the habit of linking Danyl's satire more often than not. Wonder what the Kiwiblog types will make of that one...
Danyl on the police announcement of insufficient evidence to investigate:
Really anything could have happened out there: all the police had to go on was TV footage from both networks, photographic evidence, parliamentary security cameras and dozens of eye-witnesses including members of the DPS. How Dr Norman’s flag went from in his hand to being trampled underfoot by the Chinese security forces will just have to remain a mystery for the ages.
"Great science! Can we weaponise it?"
AgResearch presents Agent Kakariki - explosive reforestation in seconds when airdropped on enemy dairy farms.
Stereoscopic commenting - turn your head to one side and squint a bit and suddenly the point seems to jump right out in your face.
Was amused by the story on the front page of the Herald Sport section (or is that the back page of the Business section?), where the main thrust seemed to be how awesome the Herald had been in predicting that Reid would make a big contribution, when they profiled him in the last Friday SuperSport...
Found on Facebook, posted by someone on Giovanni's Wall...
Sorry for the derail but it's semi-politics related: just had to link this awesome piece from Danyl. Much lol was had on my part.