Posts by Sam F
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Yeah, wonder if anyone would be seeing the meta-satirical performative humour if Williams really was some right-wing loon pretending to be gay, or a feminist or a greenie.
False comparison alert: Williams is a comedian, not a political activist, and the butt of the joke was clearly Breakfast's laxity in letting "Jay Pryor" get on the air at all, rather than libertarianism or the political right in general.
I doubt a political activist of any persuasion trying to mock the other side would have made such a successful job of something like this - usually it's pretty obvious when comedy is just a vehicle for political point-scoring of this kind, and a committed left/rightwing loon would probably have thrown subtlety clean out the studio window as soon as they sensed Henry had taken the bait.
I'm sure some people will get an additional kick from seeing fun poked at libertarianism, but if you've seen previous Jono Shows I think you'll realise this wasn't the point of the exercise. For all I know, Williams might have done just as good a job with a covering ruse drawn from the other end of the political spectrum - and honestly, I wouldn't begrudge you chuckling a little bit harder than me had he done so.
Despite the bluster of the official media release that Mr Henry spotted the fake during the interview, I reckon he got well punked [...] I certainly didn't see any sign that [the] oafish host had figured out he wasn't the real deal.
Ah, but apparently the weaker an argument is the harder it is to counter:
"You couldn't have a decent argument with him because he didn't have a reasoned, thought-out argument himself so there was nothing you could really counter, there was no opportunity for intellectual debate"...
Uh-huh. I'm sure all involved are disappointed that Breakfast's stonking record of rigorous intellectual exchange has finally been spoilt.
A shame also that Williams clearly didn't throw in any foibles of personal appearance to bring out Henry's barely concealed inner 13-year-old.
Elsewhere in the Herald story, the show is apparently reviewing its vetting procedures, perhaps adding a couple of phonecalls on top of the routine Googling. Funfact: setting up a website is not really an impenetrable web of deception by a reasonable measure, especially not one as laughably weak as this.
Well, they've announced they're not going to nuke it, so I don't know what's next...
This from a sadly now lost Jalopnik comment on other possible fancy-named ways to stop the leak (post-"Top Kill"):
The "Lost" Method
Technical Summary: Lower Jack down into the hole to plug it with a cork
Suggested Sexy Name: The Anticlimax -
"Cheers to Fifty Years": I switched over from Grey's at one point to see a question about Mataku that Gunn delivered in a ludicrous Temuera-parody voice - "Described as a Māori Twilight what-ah?" The panelists apparently found this so amusing that Gunn repeated it again with all the stops pulled out. Wacky!
I presume someone here was twisted enough to watch the whole thing. Was it as consistently, relentlessly bad as the bits I saw or were there peaks and troughs?
only the crumbliest flakiest chocolate
Oh dear God, I thought I'd properly forgotten that one...
An added reason to take the time and watch Pukemanu -the passing of Dame Pat Evison on the weekend.
Went looking for a pay phone recently, and there weren't any.
There's a lone payphone down on Don Croot Street in Kingsland, down near the various flats. Stands out in my mind because it's extremely brightly lit on a very poorly lit street. Presume it must still get some use from time to time...
But the Paula Abdul trainwreck that just happened live on television will make Cowell's departure famous forever.
Wow. Yes, yes it will.
So who's going to be more productive on October 2nd then? All of us, right? And we're all going to make more money straight away yeah? So tax receipts go up? Right? Guys?
F**kin' stepchanges, how do they work?
(Poss NSFW for language, obviously)