Posts by Danielle
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Maybe I need to think about getting MySky
Do not think. Do. </Yoda> It will change your life for the better. Exponentially.
Wow, that takes multi tasking to a whole new level.
Pish posh. I bet any of us with experience in either could do both at the same time!
(There's an appallingly crass 'teabagging' joke to be made here, I just know it...)
Bring on the revival of the libertine left!
The 'libertine left' always relied rather heavily on women being sexually subservient, of course. (The chicks had to make all the cups of tea as well as supply the blow jobs.)
showing all the signs of having no empathy at all
This, I think, is the key point. It's a bit scary.
The abortion thread was actually more annoying, because it depended so much on unverifiable assertions. This thread, in which Grant is being comprehensively pwned with actual facts and studies and all that jazz, is much more satisfying.
Not that it will make a blind bit of difference to him, of course.
My mother and self were dared to try a fried Mars Bar whilst in Dunedin of the North.... We looked at each other, silently rewrapped it, and interred it in the rubbish bin.
You missed out! I've had them a couple of times at the Drake and they are much, much better than they look. I mean, I'm sure they've taken several years off my life, but they were *worth it*.
So a "working homeless" is a guy who lives in a cheap hotel and has a job.
No, that person would be the member of the working poor. A working homeless person lives under a *bridge* and has a job.
If you think that's a perfectly reasonable existence for someone working full time in the richest country in the world, then Jackie's right. Except I'd probably add 'idiotic' as a modifier.
What, on Earth, is a working homeless?
Grant, it's not that difficult to understand. In the United States, people can work full time in low wage jobs and yet still not have enough money to pay for rent, food, and transport to work (remember that many American cities are impossible to navigate via public transport) at the same time. They live in their cars or crash with friends or sleep on the street; some of the working poor live in shared motel rooms because they can never afford to save enough for a bond and rent in advance on an apartment. (This also why the working poor mostly have to live on unhealthy fast food, since cheap motels in the United States rarely have kitchen facilities, as ours do). I suggest you seek out Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich. It's particularly eye-opening on this issue and is a short, easy read. There is a summary of it here.
In many ways it's such a cruel country, particularly for the most vulnerable of its citizens.
Steve, that is horrendous.
I once had a teacher privately tell me that even if I didn't do something I had been accused of, he would find 20 people to say I had. The same guy told me that my entire family was going to hell for not believing in God. Oh yes, school was great. Loved it. I skipped seventh form and got the hell out of there.
On a lighter note - Danielle, I just wanted to compliment you on your cats' names. Laverne and Shirley? Classic.
Shameel! Shamozzle!
(We had a theme: we named all our animals after 70s TV characters. The two dogs are named after Vinnie Barbarino from Welcome Kotter and Miss Ellie from Dallas. Although we may have been a little too dedicated to the theme: I think we dropped the ball by not naming the male dog Nate. Hiphoppin'!)
I am emotionally crushed by this post. Is there some way we could all go back in time and comfort tiny David Haywood on his first day of school? And little Troy, too?