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  • Southerly: Village People, in reply to Sacha,

    I was about to post that link. Sprawl was a deal done long ago. I lived out west when the true nature of urban development was displayed. Suffice to say land is the only game in town controlled by a very few, and they will have their way.
    Auckland was founded by robber barons and beer, plus ca change.
    Even if we could afford to lobby, we could not effect change.
    Post note, that would be Buy Now Mallard ;-)

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Southerly: Village People,

    I watch Time Team on telly. For me our councils, our urban development may be traced back to the time the Romans invaded what is called Britain.
    Certainly our councils, and water boards and so forth have direct antecedents in Britain, including the ward system. Then I think of the Treaty and Tuhoe (Judith Binney, Encircled Lands),

    Just one of the many so-called legal methods used was to insist on surveying land, against Tuhoe wishes, only to charge huge sums for the survey then take the debt back in acres and acres of the best land.
    We have inherited a system that is perpetuated to this day. Christchurch is a reminder. Auckland is a lesson.
    The Crown is and always has been hostile to it's people in the pursuit of an agenda that is transparent for those with the will to read the sorry history.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Capture: EQNZ Remembrance, in reply to Joe Wylie,

    There was an interesting case in point a while back, where Ben Wilson posted a pic here of the thinly-patronised overflow RWC wharf when it was a big issue. Danyl Mclauchlan reposted it uncredited at The DimPost which generated a long discussion thread, but no-one bothered to credit or directly acknowledge the picture (well I did, and Ben was more than modest in response). Yet without that one bit of newsgathering the discussion thread was pretty much an online version of talkback radio,

    This is a really good point, thanks Joe (and Ben!).

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Capture: EQNZ Remembrance,

    Gudrun this is an important photo essay. When I was at Laneway the police had iPhones and were taking photos as well. Something odd when the police take photos of us taking photos of them.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Southerly: Village People, in reply to BenWilson,

    Imagine...if we could share power reticulation, communal areas, had water savings in place, grey water collection, an actual real stormwater system, proper sewerage, collection recycling that the council didn't consider as their property, public transport...oh dear, must stop.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Capture: EQNZ Remembrance, in reply to Gudrun Gisela,

    " Have some respect for the families"

    When you take your hands out of your pockets Gerry and you coffee slurpers, not cool. What amazes me is their responses to you Gudrun, it is as if they feel their manipulations need to be defended.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Capture: EQNZ Remembrance,

    Yeah but Tana was nobody else's bag man ;-)

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Southerly: Village People,

    The sad truth is that when you first cut up your farm it is cheaper to parcel in say 1500 square metre sections (you will need to get on the council to be able to do this).
    It's only later when the serfs have to live in your town to work that preferably other people build tenements and footpaths and stuff.
    Some day someone is going to do a thesis on how the west was won and where it got us.
    True story from old farmer to me...

    when I got here I grew grass, then I grew cows, then I grew houses.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Capture: EQNZ Remembrance, in reply to Hebe,

    It's the secret sign of the insider ;-)

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Capture: EQNZ Remembrance, in reply to Joe Wylie,

    Gerry wants some of that gold braid schwag.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

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