Posts by Danyl Mclauchlan

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  • Hard News: Celebrity Gibberish,

    1. I maintain that Russell is the only person in the country under the age of 70 who actually reads newspaper editorials.

    2. I think the underlying premise of the story is valid but that the issue is about class, not celebrity. Class warfare doesn't sell newspapers though.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: Body image and the media,

    If the media had as great an influence on body image and eating habits as is claimed we wouldn't have a population that was ~50% overweight or obese. Anorexia and similar diseases are serious but also rare, but for some reason the conversation around body shape, image and disease is always about them instead of obesity.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's meant to be hard,

    That's the certainly not the case in Australia or with 401ks in the US?

    401ks are optional. In Australia the employer is required to contribute, not the employee.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's meant to be hard,

    Give the Reserve Bank another tool -- a compulsory super levy. So every New Zealander has a KiwiSaver account, and when the economy is overheating, people are compelled to put money in it. Think about it.;

    I've thought about it. If the state is compelling people to pay money into Kiwisaver then the state will have to guarantee the investment. As we've learned over the last year that creates a significant moral hazard.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: Of swine and cows,

    I keep seeing free screenings of something called Zeitgeist advertised around campus. Haven't seen it but it's available online and looks fairly crazy.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Speaker: How to Look Good as a Nazi,

    Probably because the Nazis had cooler uniforms.

    Made by Hugo Boss. Seriously.

    It is worth noting that the Germans still have not apologised for what they did, 'cause it wasn't them it was the nazis etc

    In addition to the other responses to this, when I was in Jerusalem I met a bunch of German hippies doing charity work to atone for their nation's sins. They called themselves 'The Tribe of Cain'.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Speaker: How to Look Good as a Nazi,

    Yes, but would you have thought it was acceptable for the Lincoln students to hold a KKK-themed party where some of them turned up in hoods, and some of them blackfaced-up and put nooses round their necks?

    They're only making fun of rednecks, right?

    I'm very comfortable with people dressing up as the klan and making fun of them. I know this because I've seen O Brother Where Art Thou, in which the Coen brothers mocked the Klan by dressing their actors up in white sheets and having them perform a Busy Berkley style musical number, and I was not offended by that. I think I would have been very offended if they'd done a blackface number mocking the victims of lynchings, but since none of the Lincoln students dressed up as Holocaust victims your analogy doesn't seem very relevent.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Speaker: How to Look Good as a Nazi,

    Is it acceptable for white people to make jokes with the N-word in them?

    If you're making fun of black people, no. If you're making fun of racists, yes.

    Do you see what I'm getting at?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Speaker: How to Look Good as a Nazi,

    Aren't we all getting a little sensitive here? Someone makes fun of Scotland I don't fly off the handle.

    as long as there are still people alive who bear the number on their arm -- it's not a joke. That tattoo is real.

    Most of the actors in Hogan's Heroes who played Nazis were Jewish, some of them were imprisoned in Concentration Camps during the war. And I'll be dammed if I'm going to let anyone badmouth Hogan's Heroes.

    There's a strong tradition in modern Jewish comedy of making fun of the Nazi's ('Springtime for Hitler' leaps to mind), the point being that you're making fun of the perpetrators of the Holocaust, not the victims. Look at it this way: which notion do you think would annoy the Nazi high command more, the idea that subsequent generations only ever referred to them in hush, respectful tones or that people made fun of them and dressed up in silly costumes to mock them?

    It's totally okay to make fun of the Nazi's. I can understand how this would make some German people uncomfortable, but that's really their problem.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: Invasion of the pagan matrons,

    Riddiford Street is the new Cuba Street.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

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