Posts by Danyl Mclauchlan

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  • Hard News: The conversation they want to…,

    No more so than it should be in the case of, say, 12 Steps patients revisiting their memories with the assistance of their "higher power".

    AA aren't making scientific claims, while 'memory retrieval in the trance state' is scientific sounding without actally meaning anything (define 'trance state'); glial cell growth in the ventral tegmentum seems a lot more robust. Some of my early research projects were in the metabolic basis of drug addiction and I'm not optimistic about finding a drug-based solution to the problem.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: The conversation they want to…,

    . . . memory retrieval in the trance state . . .

    My pseudoscience detector is red hot.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Gotcha?,

    I flatter myself that I have a pretty good idea of how Cactus and Slater think and I'm guessing they registered in Belize for much the same reason that Calvin and Hobbes send each other messages in secret code, and that she left Gotcha because it's a pretty awful site and her readers were unhappy.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Gotcha?,

    it's little wonder you are 6 writers down on the list behind Russell Brown

    Ohhh burn!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Gotcha?,

    Check out their tag cloud.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: Smack to the Future,

    I guess you've got to take your good news where you can find it.

    The way I see it, the good news is that the amendment was originally designed to close a loophole in the crimes act that a small number of people were using after seriously assaulting their kids; that points been lost in all the screaming and hysteria over 'child abuse' and 'nanny states' but the loophole is closed and all the signs indicate that Key has no intention of opening it.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: Smack to the Future,

    So what next?

    If Key's smart he'll kick this for touch until the election year and let Labour doom themselves to electoral oblivion over some trivial rewrite of the amendment.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Southerly: I Was Dissed By Three Old Ladies,

    Something I never got used to when travelling in the Middle East or India was the way people in those countries would simply throw litter away as soon as they were done with it; all the other horrors: limbless infants, beggers with empty eye-sockets, wandering past dead bodies, children being beaten by the roadside . . . sure all that stuff was way more shocking at first, and then gradually less so then one day simply blase but I never got used to the sight of people flagrantly littering. The 'be a tidy kiwi' brainwashing is powerful stuff.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: A voice of reason and authority,

    My Godmother in Chch got a cancerous lump on her chest, had to wait over 6 months to see a specialist by which time the cancer was inoperable, so now she is on palliative care waiting to die.

    If your GrandMother and her cirumstances as described by you are real then you should call a health reporter - the system that she has paid for all her life through taxation has failed her in an almost unprecendented way. Most people with suspected tumors see a specialist within 24 hours, waiting six months is unthinkable. You or someone in your family need to speak out. People need to lose their jobs. Heads need to roll. You have a moral obligation to prevent the same thing from happening to others.

    If she or your story aren't real then you really are a total fucking loser.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Speaker: Remembering the Chartists,

    If I was expected to work away from home - in Auckland, say - then I would expect the company to pay for it. And if I purchased an apartment in Wellington and rented it out then what business is it of theirs? I'm still living away from home, after all.
    But if I moved to Auckland while I maintained a weekend home in Wellington the company would probably pay moving costs and maybe even a lump sum to furnish the new home.
    But if asked the company to pay the mortgage on my new family home then they'd laugh in my face. That's just not how it works. Politicians are the only people who get a perk like that and the only reason they have it is because they could give it to themselves without anyone else knowing. A CFO of a properly run company would never get away with this because they wouldn't be able to explain to the board of directors why it was in the comany's interest to pay an employees mortgage.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

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