Posts by Danielle
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Oh. I didn't know this was a 'guilt the crap out of you all' thread. I thought we kept all our guilt-tripping to 'Medical Matters' nowadays...
Trivially, I was just going to let you all know that you can get your car registration thingies online at, instead of standing in a queue at the post office. They send them to you in the mail. Never leave your computer again! (Except to, erm, collect the mail.)
(Of course, you might all know this already, being badass online citizens of the world and whatnot, but whenever I bring it up in front of a random group of people, there's always a large percentage of the group which says 'oh really? I didn't know that!' So. Thought I'd mention it.)
Tangent: Dan, I was obsessed by 'This Bitter Earth' by Dinah Washington in Killer of Sheep. I went straight to the computer after Auckland Film Society's showing...
Lucy, I heart you.
More athletic looking men are more attractive to women, but have more testosterone which can make them more aggressive.
I am catching a noisome whiff of evolutionary psychology...
the vilification of this young woman started almost immediately
Plus ça change.
There's a practically endless supply of hatah-based hilarity in that profile.
Grant, you should join the Westboro Baptist Church of 'God Hates Fags' fame. They sound right up your alley!
The facts are that at conception a baby is alive and human.
Has anyone done a running tally on how many times dude has written this sentence? Do you have a keyboard macro for it, Grant?
I'm going to start doing this myself. 'The facts are that I look like a magnificent combination of Sophia Loren, Catherine Deneuve and Zooey Deschanel.' 'The facts are that I can survive perfectly adequately on a kumquat a day for seventy-five years.' Who knows what could happen? Maybe repeating ridiculous assertions is some kind of self-affirmation tool for him...
Having watched the apparently homicidal maniacs that drive buses in wellington, I'd dispute the buses driven slowly and responsibly bit.
Heh. I was just going to post something about some bus drivers in Auckland thinking they're Dale Earnhardt. (And I spend a bit of time on Auckland buses, so I'm speaking from experience.)
Grant, you don't know me at all, although you feel you have the right to judge me.
Right. That does it. I'm now paging that dude from an earlier thread who thinks anyone who smokes pot is an irredeemable narcissistic asshole (or whatever it was he said). I want he and Grant to have a cage match where they cast blanket aspersions on all people they deem morally inferior, and the winner can be crowned with the title of 'Judgeypants, Lord of the Inflexibles!' Or something.
I'm still terribly interested in why Grant's fundamentalist moral code allows for this huge exception: no murder-length jail sentences for women who have abortions. But he doesn't seem to want to answer that question...