Posts by Danielle

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  • Cracker: Fillerup,

    maybe humans will be able to do this in the year 2525, if man is still alive, if woman can survive.

    There's one thing I did not expect to get from this thread, and that's a Zager and Evans earworm. Curse you! :)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Medical Matters,

    You're awfully loquacious about this issue, Grant. Could you be a little more succinct? ;)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Medical Matters,

    Do they all get sent to jail for murder?


    But... why not? Are you anti-jail-sentences for all murders, or just these particular ones?

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Tragedy into Crisis?,

    Besides, Russell, has your local Liquorland in Pt Chev ever given you a free torch or first aid kit or fire extinguisher? :)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Medical Matters,

    Who knows, perhaps the bleak picture of the future you imagine will not come to pass.

    Yeesh. Grant, la-la-land is on the line. They're interested in how you got so divorced from reality.

    Anyway. I have a question for you: in this utopian/authoritarian future of yours, where the apple-cheeked milkmaids skip merrily and submissively to their antenatal classes for the good of das Vaterland, what should happen to the women who undergo the newly illegal abortions? Do they all get sent to jail for murder? I'm interested in how you think that should work, in practical terms.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Better, faster ... prettier,

    I'm loving this quote!

    Me too. It has managementspeak written all over it.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Medical Matters,

    Danielle - still backing Deborah's stand on the 'justification' on infanticide?

    I'm not sure what your deal is with that. She isn't saying she's pro-infanticide, she's saying her ethical/philosophical stance on abortion could also be used to justify infanticide. There's a huge difference.

    I'm all about the simplicity, anyway: I'm not intelligent enough to have philosophical positions like that. Although I am a woman, I am also a person; I have a body attached to my personhood; until Foetus O'Shea becomes a Tiny Homeslice that can hang out and watch TV with me, I would like to have total control over what happens to that body, just as non-pregnant people do. My choice. My 'philosophy' is based around prioritising the personhood of the woman, not debating the personhood or otherwise of the foetus. (For all I know the damn thing is playing parcheesi in there with my left kidney and has a TV show on the Living Channel called Grand Designs: Wombs. Not my philosophical issue, I'm afraid.)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Medical Matters,

    This really feels like an argument about whether a tadpole is a frog

    My favourite aspect of this whole argument - and, in fact, these arguments in general - is the way the woman hosting the all-important foetus is apparently a total afterthought. I can imagine her, this Everywomb: 'Hi! I'm over here! A person, any way you slice it! Remember me? I'll just be sitting quietly in this corner. Cool. Let me know what you decide, 'kay?'

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feeling Unserious,

    Sam & Dave, live, backed by Booker T & the MGs, doing 'Hold On I'm Comin'

    That is so. fucking. awesome. I get dorkishly teary-eyed over this stuff. When playing the 'if you could travel back in time to see any show, which one would it be?' game, the 1967 (?) Stax/Volt Revue is usually my number one.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Random Play: Carter The Unstoppable Dick…,

    forcing me to overtake

    Yanno, there isn't a gun to your head.

    I'm a slow-laner myself, because I really hate tailgaters, but does it matter if you go at 95kms/h for a few minutes, in the grand scheme of things? What's with this bizarre need to pass everyone ahead of you? Why not just... slow down? Are you in labour? Are you a fireperson? Will the car explode if you go below 100kms/h? (Hrm. Someone should make a movie about that last one...)

    It's even worse in the country. I'm constantly terrified that some impatient dickhead will overtake me on a blind bend and kill six people in one fell swoop. I'm constantly pulling over on the way back from west coast beaches to let people zoom past me. I remember one morning when I pulled over *six times* on the way back from Piha to let people pass me who were actually *driving directly up my ass*. Yes, 90 kms/h on mountainous country roads is too slow, apparently. Meh. Just call me Granny Danielle from now on...

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

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