Posts by Ross Mason

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  • Hard News: Merry Christmas, you all,

    YES Russ|

    "In difficult times, it does make a difference when we can help each other out. And the benefit flows both ways."

    Oh yes, I know what you mean. Lets see....I'll tell you what , if we all chip in to a "fund". I'll oversee it and while it is sitting in the bank, I can make a wee bit of more money for the fund and I'll take a wee cut of it to live on. Let's see...we can use it when we have a personal catastrophe and spread the cost of your rehabilitation or rebuild. That way it won't cost any one of use a shit load to get back on our feet. Let's just call it insurance if you like.

    Wow, that's a wonderful idea. YOU could spread the load by others to offset any losses amongst your friends who might like a wee cut as well. That will allow US to ensure you won't be lumbered if more than one of us has a major.

    Or: Can you imagine just having random levy (yes, a tax) placed on us if a major does happen to someone? It cuts out the clipper in the middle. No "profits" are shipped overseas. No other costs are involved. Simple to administer (can't possibly be worse than CERA).

    The benefit flows both ways.

    Happy New Year to us all.

    PS I haven't heard the 5pm close out song versions yet???????

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Music: In before Christmas, in reply to linger,

    Two BBC4 programmes on 21/12/12

    Convenient day what with Mayan Apocalypse and all. The things one does to get on the tele.

    You can tell from the counts that they were very popular downloads......hahaha...bonk.


    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Cultures and violence, in reply to Josh Addison,

    I do have a fondness for that man.

    We are an Inclusive bunch.....

    Watch, listen, drop jaw, scream at screen!!!

    It is my Great Stress Reliever. My Daily Fox Entertainment.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Cultures and violence,

    Wow Danielle, are you interested in the Serengeti too?? ;-)

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Cultures and violence, in reply to Danielle,

    PS “Male brain” alert: I am really good at reading maps.

    Noice one!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Cultures and violence, in reply to BenWilson,

    I’m a long way from understanding my brain, much less anyone else’s.

    I think this might the reason…..

    And i was watching QI tonight. Women use white brain cellular material. Men use the grey. Something to do with map reading...

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Cultures and violence, in reply to John Armstrong,

    while 'acceptance' definitely is not.

    It was your acceptance I was referring to.

    Acceptance that these things happen, acceptance that there are people out there you can't do anything about. The common denominator is these are all mass deaths. They happen. We have become accepting of (some of) them happening and life carries on. But this mass shooting has moved us deeper in our self than is usual because we as parents have kids and are fearful of how vulnerable they are, and, it is possible it could be us, however small a chance/risk it is. And we won't be able to do a bloody thing about it.

    As you alluded to, I think that one may have to accept this will happen again and again even though it is an "unacceptable" act. I could use all the words that describe how appalling it was but no description will counter our need to grieve.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Cultures and violence, in reply to John Armstrong,

    Particularly as it would leave gun control as the only option. Given the barriers that that course of action seems to face, that might mean accepting these admittedly rare but horrific acts as part of the human landscape. Which is even scarier.

    Nothing like a few barriers to prevent this happening....Hmmmm..

    Perspective warning approaching:

    USA Road Deaths: USA since 1994: 623,925. (took 18 years) Drivers are licensed, cars registered, insured - except those that aren't, those who are drunk or drugged, those who are testostrone pumped pimped up. JA: "Which is even (more) scarier."

    Public transport is safer, right????

    .....but then if one includes random acts of violence like:

    Tenerife where 583 were immolated in two 747s not even flying (took prob 10 minutes).

    Flight 901 with 237 (took 10 seconds) of our own snuffed out due to a "malevonant trick of polar light". Locked inside a flying torpedo, most of us we accept the danger.

    Tsunami: 230,000 (took 4 or 5 hours). Who can believe a serene sea could reform within hours of such carnage?

    WTC: 2753. A couple of hours. Followed by 50,000 or 150,000+++ deaths in Iraq depending on your version of a body count .

    Horoshima/Nagasaki: 160,000 in seconds plus burn time. An indecent and inhuman method of snuffing out life we had never ventured to imagine. Until 1941.

    These babies/children have struck a nerve deep deep within where even though the world is full of random acts of death and destruction we appear to have reacted more than perfectly naturally. We can't handle such events. We are incapable of responding except with "why", "how" and "what if", followed inevitably by "why me?".

    There will be more. Bart and John are right. The thought scares the bejeezus out of anyone. But realistically, the chance of it happening to you is well below dying in your own bed.

    Acceptance, respect and hugs is all we can wish for I suspect. You cannot get away with calling them Acts of God. It only makes HIM more of a (testosterone fueled) bastard than HE already is!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Cultures and violence, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I've said more times than I can recall in talks about this that the great gift of learning to understand how my boys were different was learning along the way how everyone is different.

    Wha........????? Where have I been?
    Is this universally known?
    The government should do something!!!

    Oh...they are...

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Cultures and violence,

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

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