Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Field Theory: The future's so different…,

    While vacationing in the Bay of Plenty over the break, I was told that the cinema in Te Puke is one of the best in the country

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: One in a billion,

    Incidentally, have you ever been in a position where Australians are facing the prospect of a hongi at a powhiri? Most of them look terrified!

    Oh! I forgot my favourite "awkward greeting" story: Indian co-worker went to his first hui. We went around saying hello. One very large Maori gentleman got the shock of his life when he leaned in to hongi my co-worker and got a big wet kiss on the lips.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The future's so different…,

    Gizmodo explains how all the different types of 3D work. Including the glasses-less version which seems to use...luminous spheres

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: One in a billion,

    Russell, for instance, is A Hugger, so I expect a hug on greeting. David is not, so I stand there feeling really awkward.

    yeah totally, hugging's a personal preference. I'm not a hugger if I'm initiating but really who doesn't enjoy a nice hug hello?

    With my gay friends we often do the French 'kiss kiss' thing

    Quick story: We'd landed in Portugal and were quite jetlagged. Jose's landlord had been nice enough to let us stay with him and we were introduced to her. She was a small wrinkly old lady who spoke no English. Jose introduced us in Portuguese and then turned to me and said "say hello and you've got to kiss her". So I said "Ola", leaned in and gave her a wee peck. As I stepped back Jose had to remind me: "both cheeks!"

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: One in a billion,

    Of course I know SFA about rugby so I'll be oggling the legs... but I don't think I can do that for 80 mins without getting insanely bored.

    Just wait for the 3D footage :)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: One in a billion,

    However you arrived at associating effeminate behaviour with homosexuality and butch & homophobic behaviour with heterosexuality, you couldn't be more wrong in your assumption.

    Nope. I did it by assuming that gay athletes might be put off by the outwardly homophobic sports world.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The future's so different…,

    And Sony have just announced that the PS3 will play 3D Blu-Ray discs as well. So expect 3D games in 2010 as well.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: One in a billion,

    I took a break from the system and it's nice to see this thread kept going and largely got away from statistics.

    I'm surprised that with the All Blacks hugging each other on TV all the time ... that many men younger than 50 have that much of a hang-up about it.

    And of course sportsmen have for years slapped each other on the butt to say "good job", yet that hasn't caught on either. Side note: one of the funniest NFL film clips I've seen was a player getting a manly slap from a coach and replying with "Ow! That hurt!"

    Hayden, darling

    Christopher, darling, it's Hadyn :)

    My point about the numbers was that I don't consider the All Blacks to be selected from the general population and so the chances of a player being gay were much much less than most might expect.

    I'm curious about the hohohohomophobia tic though. My friends and I have a running joke about Heheheheheroin which was a quote from a "drugs are bad" education video we watched. You didn't see the same one did you?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: One in a billion,

    After thinking and discussing with my statistically adept partner: 0.36 is the probability of there being a gay player on the team if they are selected at random form the general population. And no matter what you might think of Graham Henry I'm fairly sure he doesn't do that.

    The same goes for the average 8.8 players per year who join the All Blacks (1,100 players over 125 years). There is a probability of 0.125 of one of them being a gay player only if they are selected at random from the general population.

    Yamis above calculated that there are ~350 players in the Air New Zealand Cup and that 4 or 5 would be gay. If the All Blacks are selected from this group the chances of those four or five being one of the 8.8 selected each year?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: One in a billion,

    Not sure if it’s the same person, but arguably NZ’s best ref is gay, and pretty open about it. From what I understand the players couldn’t give a toss because he’s good at what he does.

    And yet the bigots still keep women out of reffing... perhaps you need a penis to cock up a decision

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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