Posts by Danielle
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Can I help you down from that high horse?
Heh. I don't even smoke - never have - and virulent nonsmokers irritate the crap out of me. :) I'm not sure why they don't spend their time giving car drivers hell instead. I bet petrol fumes do us a zillion times more damage than some shivering smoker outside in the cold at a party, hiding their Terrible Shame from the Truebelievers. I suppose it's because nearly everyone is a driver, and it would be terribly inconvenient to shaft everyone they know based on this one character trait (unless you're Andrew, who seems to take a perverse joy in such things. Ha).
In other words, to get all hippy for a moment, everyone needs to cut everyone else a little slack, man. </stoner>
I think TV has to be made illegal too, Kyle. And eating. And sleeping. And... most stuff. That's a stance you'd expect from fourth-century Christian ascetics! It's... kind of awesome, actually! Go on with your bad self, Andrew. Just don't expect me to hang out with you at parties. ;)
Oh, goodness me. That's a very extreme argument to be making about all those millions and millions of people, Andrew. Couldn't it also be because drugs are often... really fun? 'Sometimes a cigar', and all that?
Danielle, if you really want to debate this one, bring it on.
Um, yeah... I don't really get revved up by that kind of posturing, actually. It's not as though I have a problem with debate, but I'm not sure how to frame our respective arguments so that we aren't talking past each other. You say 'narcissistic tossers with little concern for their families and dependents!' and I say, wimpishly, 'that's kind of a giant, weird generalisation that I can't totally get behind, dude', and... fin. I mean, where do we go from there?
My main objection to drug use is that it tends to be the province of narcissistic tossers with little concern for their families and dependants.
When I lived there, lo these many years ago, it was freely available at Fiesta supermarkets (a Texas chain with many exciting foods from across the border, including Milo in the same packaging, but all in Spanish. That blew my tiny mind) in the international foods aisle.
It was $4US for a wee jar, but it was there!
Anzac biscuits seem to occupy the sweet spot of the effort vs expected enjoyment graph for Americans eating Kiwi food.
I made some for peeps in a grad school class in Houston which fell on Anzac Day. They went down rather well, as I recall.
(Vegemite, not so much. But it was fun to look at the expressions on their faces after they tried it...)
crap like ESPN
Ahem. Some of us are married to people who like ESPN.
(I like the World Series of Poker! And Pardon the Interruption. And baseball.)
perhaps my general bustiness
This is key to why hoodies are so uncomfortable for me. There's some kind of equation (tilt of bust + weight of hood?) which causes them to tip backwards and throttle me around the throat. Plus you end up with a weirdly inconsistent hemline, short at the front and long at the back, as though you have a little mini-train around your bum. It's bad news, in general.
But I support you all! In my Old Lady way. (In my teens, I had terrifyingly teased hair and Actual Steel-Capped Boots for Working on Roads, in tiny girl-size sevens, inherited from an older female cousin who, as I recall, was working for the Southland council... I don't think I scared anyone, as I was - and still am - a Huge Dork, but my mum was a bit nonplussed.)
Tea rooms? Nyarlothotep, it really is like going back in time twenty years down there.
Erm... I think those commenting from Palmerston North can't exactly throw stones. ;)
I like tea rooms. They're comforting. There are baked goods. People know to give you extra hot water with your pot of tea. And milk in a wee jug. I also love cheese rolls. (As I recall, you can buy frozen ones in the supermarket in Invercargill.)
Once, on a rare occasion when we encountered another walker -- a suitably salty-looking chap -- I asked him what they were. "Those," he replied, with the air of a man giving an explanation to an imbecile, "are a type of bird."
There is usually an uncontrollable 'bwah!' moment for me during each Southerly post. This was it.