Posts by Danielle
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I would have thought being accepted into Harvard and Princeton would be hardly be evidence of discrimination, quite the opposite in fact.
Did you just say what I think you just said?
it doesn't matter whether I am a transplant from NZ or Mars, the point is valid
No, the point is bullshit race-baiting combined with sexism to create a perfect storm of... nothing. Additionally, you telling Michelle Obama what she should or should not think is the absolute height of hubris.
(If you want to read a useful book read "Come On People, the path from victims to victors" by Bill Cosby and Alvin Poussaint. Michele Obama would do much better studying that book
Again with the ridiculous paternalism. She can think, and say, what she likes. If she doesn't go for the Cosby/Duff/bootstraps approach to marginalised communities, that is *her prerogative*. Criticising your country for its poor race relations is hardly advocating race war, is it? If he loses the election based on his wife's 23 year old thesis (which I have skim-read, and which is hardly mouth-frothing, I might add), then... well.... I throw up my hands. I mean, really.
supposedly more laid-back Americans
Americans are often more hierarchical than we are, I think. I called all of my professors in grad school in the USA 'Dr <surname>'. In southern Louisiana, particularly, it's expected that you will call any older adult 'Miss <first name>' or 'Mr <first name>', particularly if they are your in-laws. (That's another Cajun thing, as my Texan husband never does it. Regional variations abound, clearly.)
Sorry darling, don't give me all this hard done by shit after you went to Princeton and Harvard.
There's nothing I find more hilarious than a transplanted guy from New Zealand patronisingly telling *an African-American woman* how she should be feeling about discrimination in her own country. Are you fucking kidding me dude?
McCain might not be getting the grilling that Obama & Clinton have received of late, but it will come.
But he's a 'maverick' and a 'straight-talker'!
In other words, I am dubious.
the complete de-railing of this thread
And of course, Deborah, not only was our offence our own, subjective fault, but it was also irrelevant to the larger discussion and must therefore be dismissed.
And... scene.
Preach it, Deborah. Countdown to the 'lighten up, girls/can't you take a joke/you feminists are so humourless' comments... three... two... one...
ovarian fortitude
I want something significant to be named this. A band. A ship. A bed and breakfast. Something.
I tell you whut </Hank Hill>, I'd much rather listen to either Clinton or Obama's 'vacuous' speeches than the sitting president's. Let's not lose perspective here.
Had she been a man I would have said warlock.
I'll take your word for it.
(People so often refer to, say, Karl Rove or Dick Cheney as 'warlocks', don't they? And the word has just the same cultural baggage. Oh wait. No it doesn't.)
I don't like Hillary's campaign much either, Danyl: I'm an Obama supporter. But falling back on 'witch' to describe her is plain old sexism.
And.... sexism. Awesome.