Posts by Phil Lyth

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  • Hard News: Standing up and calling bullshit,

    your commercial overlords

    RB: I thought you didn't have those? Some partners, yes, but not your actually betters?

    Phil confesses to editing in a 'not' to say what he meant. Also, what is the kaupapa around editing in a whole paragraph after posting?

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing up and calling bullshit,

    Shock! Horror!

    No, but I'd expect a reputable TV company to avoid, shall we say, paleopuns.

    Outraged, I say!!!!

    Which as you intended, brings up back to the very beginning. Never thought Finlay was a Sound of Music type.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing up and calling bullshit,

    I trust you don't really expect me to ban them ...

    No, but presumably you have the option of calling the shots. You could set the market rate. Say, a Dipton rate of $37K.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing up and calling bullshit,

    Took far too much searching on TVNZ to discover the programme is actually called In The Spotlight. First programme looks to be 9.10pm Nov 3.

    monstrously twee strapline "The Economy in Plain English"

    It looks like English or one of his trolls have pulled the wool right over the eyes of TVNZ. "Plain English" is the name of his recently resurrected newsletter for Clutha-Southland.

    Gotta love Google cache which helps us see that as at 16 September, the thing hadn't been published for three years. Mysteriously the index has now been pulled and replaced with one edition on 23 Sept (and nothing since).

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dunce Dunce Revolution,

    Having been offline for 48 hours, I see lots and lots of really important discussion on education, standards, etc etc.

    what is the next number in this sequence: 20, 1, 18, 4, 13, ?

    But for those interested in trivia and who can't figure out why Tim Hannah and James Butler realised the answer is 6, here is a clue. The question is usually asked when the quiz venue is a pub.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dunce Dunce Revolution,

    Hmmm, that sounded like an angry rant.

    working for Matt Robson in the Zaoui years was, shall I say, never boring. And I developed working relationships with a number of people which stand me in good stead to this day.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dunce Dunce Revolution,

    Graeme, you're being logical. Wrong approach for Friday afternoon. Someone is bound to come up with teh answer.

    Try this one which pops up in quiz evenings now and then: what is the next number in this sequence: 20, 1, 18, 4, 13, ?

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dunce Dunce Revolution,

    The front page quote on Stuff leaves me speechless:

    "If they do nothing other than teach our children to read and write and do maths and be good socialised New Zealand people then they've done a really good job."

    Minister Anne Tolley on new school standards

    Was it Keith Hay on the Mt Roskill Borough Council in the 50s or 60s who was adamant that no library would be built until every street had footpaths? Sigh.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dunce Dunce Revolution,

    In a week when significant changes to the ACC scheme have also been set in motion more on the basis of ideology than evidence

    Actually, in the absence of evidence, as I/S discovered yesterday.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • MMP: This Time It's Binding,


    Subscriber Trunk Dialling? How does one conduct an election that way? Or do you mean the other STD. That would be very interesting? <G>

    OK, maybe it's a typo but a Freudian one.

    really mean they don't like the people that get elected

    Under FPP, Nats would demonise the Labour leader and vice versa. (There were only a handful of MPs not from Nat or Lab in the 50 years 1946-96, six I think, the longest of whom served 7 years).

    But with MMP there more parties in Parliament making it more representative. A side effect is that MPs from smaller groups can be hated/demonised much more by many people. People join in, becomes self-reinforcing, and presto, the Two Minute Hate happens.

    I'm sure I/S when back on deck could give us some handy statistical formula to explain this.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

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