Posts by Danielle
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And absolutely never, ever "Mrs husband's-given-name husband's-family-name".
Man, I wish someone could slap *that* lesson into my husband's family. Lovely people, but it doesn't matter how many times I sign myself Danielle [redacted], they're guaranteed to send something back with Mr and Mrs [husband's names]. Do I look like a female version of him to them? Or, indeed, someone who would be happy having absolutely no identity of my own? I got married in a chapel in Las Vegas, for pity's sake: I am not the poster child for 'traditional marriage'. Argh. I don't even know how to bring it up, at this point: I've been signing my own name for nearly seven years! Wouldn't *you* get the hint? I mean, really.
Sorry, irrelevant rant, but it gets on my wick. :)
As for Amnesty International..spare me.
Yeah. That whole 'human rights' thing is just madness! It'll never catch on.
Belatedly regarding King of the Hill, because I was at WOMAD with the spirit dancers: huh. Do people find Hank Hill to be an asshole? I love him. He's so wonderfully self-limiting and horrified by everything, but so dedicated, and Bobby is such a free spirit in comparison - his character is just genius. Of *course* Hank would have a borscht-belt-loving prop comic son who regularly wears a cape! Poetic justice. No, *Peggy* is the crazy asshole one. That woman is a megalomaniac.
Do they have any Thai restaurants down there.
I had really good tapas in Invercargill once. No, I did! Seriously!
Also, if you're into op-shopping and vintage kitchenalia collectables, Invercargill is *the shit*. I've never seen so many awesome shiny vintage cardies and original crushed-ice formica dining sets. For extremely reasonable prices.
I took my husband all around Riverton and Tuatapere and other ancestral homelands about a year ago. My mum swears she used to swim regularly in Riverton (the 'Riviera of the South'!). I can't imagine it. It seems as though it would be freezing, even in February!
It's nice, though. Everything else seems so very far away...
do you see any sexist generalizations in this statement you made in another thread?
There isn't even a comparison to be made. The whole point of Joanna's dug-up-and-requoted post is that people are *supposed* to see him as a god amongst men because he's an All Black, and that he might actually need help too. So in fact it's a post which *undermines* sexist stereotypes, and so does the ad. (Apparently. I haven't seen the ad, because I have MySky and ads are no longer a feature of my life, but... anyway.)
Jeez, lighten up.
Ah, the time-honoured 'can't you chicks take a joke?' defence. :)
(I think the jury's still out on the sexism of 'your mum', though. I'm just not sure about it.)
Its also like Americans living in Tornado Alley and"thanking God" and "We're gonna rebuild" as soon as their house is flattened by their annual devastation of their home. Duh!
And when some enormous part of New Zealand - say, Wellington or Auckland - gets swallowed up by a massive earthquake someday, or buried by an enormous volcanic eruption, I'm sure you'll all have the same charmingly empathetic 'well, you shouldn't have lived there, dumbasses!' response, right? I mean, who would live in a place so geologically unsound? We must all be crazy and stupid and deserve to die, or at least lose our homes!
People choose where to live for all kinds of reasons, like family or friends or employment or scenery or strong emotional ties to the land - or perhaps they're so poor that they don't have many choices, because all they can afford is a double-wide in a trailer park.
In other words: meh.
O God I have been watching "Rock of Love" ... feel my shame. But what a cast. Most of the more "whore-endous" characters are gone but there is still Lacey, who is clearly possessed and whose eyes wander around madly like Marty Feldman's.
Rock of Love is the work of a mad genius. I adore it. The women just can't stay away from that stripper pole, and Bret's interviews are basically reiterations of the same sentiment over and over: 'she kind of turned me on'. It doesn't matter what those women do, they excite him. At this point, I'm thinking a pet rock in a crotchless onesie would turn him on. I can't wait for Rock of Love II.
Loving the new series of Its Always Sunny on C4
I can't even express how funny I found the group's rendition of Extreme's 'More Than Words' a few weeks ago. I just had to pause the show and writhe around the couch in quiet hysteria.