Posts by Danielle
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I don't agree with Simon's idea that our shops should be open all the hours god sends. I posted on Simon's blog that I prefer one late night of shopping a week, so that retail staff can have normal lives. I lived for four years in a place where I could get a shitload of bullets, a bag of carrots, and a 60 inch plasma screen TV at 4am - from the same store! - and it helped me not one iota. (Apart from all that target practice I did every Thursday at 5am, shooting at the carrots while watching CHiPs reruns on the plasma TV.)
I couldn't agree with him more about the great 'it's time for Helen to go' wave, though. Why is it time for her to go? Because everything's going fine? Weird.
Joanne Black's column in the Listener reminds me of Peggy Hill's 'Musings' in the Arlen Bystander. No, Peggy, you are not an original thinker, and you are not funny (intentionally). You are also a megalomaniac.
"African American people are just smarter at the job than women." Where to start parsing that one??
Hee! It's so right on in one way, and so horribly reactionary in another!
Obama backed off the death penalty thing slightly, Tim, in saying something about the most heinous crimes deserving the ultimate punishment.
Damn libraries, with their free access to information! What are they thinking?
I'd like to give some revisionist props to Boney M. No, hear me out! They are so *weird*. They sound utterly robotic and emotionless, yet they dressed like LaBelle, and they chose some really incongruous stuff to cover. The Melodians' 'Rivers of Babylon' *and* Bobby Hebb's 'Sunny'? Really?
(Also: Wham! were way better than everyone thinks. dammit. I have this argument regularly with people, because I am insane.)
And I also think it's just a wee bit naive to assume that if McCain secures the nomination, let alone wins the election, he's getting any kind of free ride.
He's more likely to catch shit from his own party!
While a McCain Administration would be showered with rose petals on a daily basis by a Democrat-controlled Congress? The usual suspects among the left-wingnutterati and on talk radio would suddenly decide he's not such a bad chap after all?
Craig, you're assuming an equivalence in 'on-messageness' and power which simply doesn't exist in the USA. There are not equal numbers of left-wingnutterati listening to Air America, or equal numbers of lefty peeps calling talk radio. The right has had a fairly comprehensive lock on framing the issues for years and years now, and the Democrats have been a bunch of triangulating wimps scrabbling for a rhetorical toehold. It's not the same thing.
So, no more Romney! This leaves McCain in the prime seat, even if all the right-wing pundits hate his guts. (I think Ann Coulter said she would vote for Satan before McCain.) I'm a little uneasy about McCain. I think that given the right circumstances, he could beat Clinton or Obama (but as we know, I have a terrible predictions track record). My husband said yesterday 'Obama supporters are kidding themselves if they think that race isn't going to become an issue the Republicans use if he wins the nomination.' I hope he's wrong too...
By taking out the Clintons, he will have done more to clean up Washington than anyone or anything else.
Oh FFS. Yes, it's the *Clintons* that are the most corrupt people in Washington right now. Clearly.
the reference apt
No. No it isn't. Even by the standards of babbling on the internet, it's hardly a flame war. There are just rather a lot of people who disagree with you. Politely, if slightly heatedly.
(Oh, and no one is coming vaguely close to threatening to string you up from a tree, cut off your penis, hands, head and/or feet, and then send commemorative postcards of your dismembered body to their relatives for a good laugh. You're cheapening the metaphor beyond all recognition.)
You know, the 'Clinton sucks' crowd are so all-pervasive - media, Republicans, Obama-supporters - that I feel as though I'm being manipulated into disliking her, and I don't like that feeling. I made a list this morning:
a) Both of them are too far to the right for my liking, but it's a
two-party system flaw
b) Obama has more charisma and is a better speaker, but his policies
are a bit wishy-washy
c) Clinton knows her shit and is tough as old boots (necessity from
years of sniping from the right)
d) Clinton voted for the war, but her healthcare plan is more comprehensive
e) Barack has 'momentum' and excitement, while Clinton is just more
dynastic same-old
f) Clinton's depiction in the media is so thoroughly reprehensible
that she kind of gets my pity vote for never getting a fair shot at
anything. (Here is where Craig pops up and tells me that there's nothing sexist about being consistently described as 'cackling', or being derided for getting very slightly wet-eyed at a press conference, or... etcetera. Sorry, I don't buy it.)I'm leaning towards wanting Obama to win the nomination. But he probably won't. Then again, I have a long history (since 2000) of not predicting *anything* accurately when it comes to US politics. I'm like George Costanza with 'do the opposite!'
I thought something isn't quite right when a political speech can slide that easily into song lyrics.
Here's my concern: apart from Scarlett, we've got the actress who plays Addison Montgomery, Nicole from the Pussycat Dolls, John Legend, and Will.I.Am? Poor showing, celebrities! (On the other hand, it's nice to see Aisha Tyler again.)