Posts by Danielle
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I'm not defending it at all. I like being able to help myself to any and all media. My computers always downloading the maximum it can suck off the net, more than I could ever watch or listen to,
<boggle> Do *what* now?
You fiscally responsible people, with your fund thingamabobs and your managed whatnots and your economic theories and your newfangled mathematics! You're freaking me out! :)
All I'm thinking is that it looks like some of us (ie me) are going to have to eat cat food when our fixed mortgage rate ends...
Also kept a tally of the Most Offensive t-shirt.
I have a worthy entry: a young man wearing a shirt saying 'GET A FUCK BITCH'.
(Or is that a pop-cultural reference that I'm missing because I'm old?)
Oh man. Björk and band flew 40 hours to get there and people booed the encore? Classy!
I am incredibly glad that I missed that moment, having nipped off early for LCD Soundsystem. Cringe.
Well! Took a rather circuitous route home (taxi drivers, I feel, should know how to get to major arterials like Mt Eden Road from Mt Smart. But perhaps that's just me). I'd like to note several things: oh my god LCD Soundsystem ruled - I could have listened to them for hours and hours, bopping around like an idiot; Bjork is a wondrous magical creature - that's seriously the most avant-garde thing anyone's ever likely to see at a stadium show, ever; Spoon were on the wrong stage; Arcade Fire did their best to battle against bad sound and slight indifference from the crowd (at least where I was standing); I loved how massive Dizzee Rascal was with the punters - I leapt about like a bit of a mad person in the tent when he was on, when I could eventually get in there; also really loved Dr Octagon/Kool Keith, who kicked my day off with a bang; managed to squeeze in Paul Kelly's 'To Her Door', which is one of my fave songs ever, and The Clean's 'Fish' (ditto). So it seems that the Boiler Room was the winner on the day, which hardly ever happens to me.
I think this might have been the most consistently fun/no-boring-bits BDO I've ever been to. Yay.
I'm having clothing issues. Obviously, a frock is out of the question because of all the flashing problems, and I wouldn't wish the sight of me in shorts on anyone, but... to jean or not to jean? Because the jeans are a bit miserable for about three hours from 2-5, but then you're grateful for them in the cooler evening period from 5-11. Ack. Is early misery worth later comfort?
Perhaps I'm overthinking this.
Some topics don't really call for snark.
Oh, it's practically Pavlovian at this point, Kyle.
1. Person expresses any kind of emotional sentiment.
2. Craig appears, in contrary mode. Is usually guaranteed to use a combination of any/all of these words or phrases: 'with all due respect', 'cant', 'excuse me if I don't...', or 'hypocrisy'.
[3. ????
4. Profit!](This is in the 'gentle joshing' end of the spectrum, Craig, in case my tone isn't clear. I find you very entertaining.)
I am squeeing embarrassingly at les chiennes, Jackie... look at them! All intent on the stick-fetching and the truckin' around on the sand! Awwww! (I took my two to Anawhata early one morning just before New Year. They were absolutely thrilled. Auckland is great: I can drive for 30 minutes and be on a completely deserted, stunning beach, not bugging anyone.)
or maybe the lack of substance is the point, no thinking required?
No, it's just different music.
Just noting, possibly tangentially, that over ten years ago (!) on the Elvis Costello discussion list, Simon and I had a very similar argument with what the world now calls rockists. We, of course, were on the side of all that is righteous and good ('big gay house music', etc), while I seem to remember that everyone else... emphatically wasn't. But perhaps I just have a 'persecution complex memory' of the whole thing...
One potter friend was completely delighted when he found one of his early coffee cups in a Sally-Army pile ten years later, he instantly bought the thing and carried it home like a rare butterfly.
This is not exactly an example of tossed-away craftsmanship or anything, but in the late 1990s I found a promotional ashtray for my grandfather's early 1960s Invercargill car dealership in a junk shop on K Road. 'Frazer and Smith: Sell Your Car To Us!' it said. I carried it home like a rare butterfly too! I mean, what are the odds?
Robyn, I *love* old magazines. One of the coolest parts of researching my thesis was reading fifteen years' worth of the New Zealand Women's Weekly: 1960-1975. The old advertisements are just superb. I also read a few years of the NZWW from the WWII years. Actually, the wartime rationing recipes - despite the preponderance of, um, savoury jellied things, which basically squick me out - were practical and good, if minimalist.