Posts by Yamis

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  • Field Theory: Though I never liked how…,

    I'll go drink it. Any rumours on where it might be UM?

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Though I never liked how…,

    I would suggest that most rugby folk who are looking forward to the RWC in NZ either don't know the Feelers or don't give a stuff.

    If the WC is even 0.002% about the song I'll be surprised. What is the theme song for the football WC in SA this year? Who knows, who cares, move along.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ready for the Big One?,

    There was an article in the Herald last year on this:

    Seems we, in Auckland, would have days or maybe weeks to prepare for a volcano to blow (of course this wouldn't be a volcano that currently exists but a new one).

    Auckland (aside from being underwater millions of years ago) is believed to have had a volcano around 5 times the size of Mt Ruapehu 10-15 kilometres off shore from Muriwai (the other theory is that there were a chain of smaller volcanoes that stretched up the west coast - one of these theories is correct). It has now eroded away and is completely covered by sediment on the sea floor but it's remnants of course are a large part of the Waitaks.

    I could be wrong but I think the faultline which ran under Auckland and I guess was largely responsible for all the volcanic activity has been migrating east for some time and might be closer to the Coromandel. That's not to say Auckland won't get more volcanis activity (it will at some point) but maybe there's less chance now?

    I'm a high school geo teacher so my knowledge of such matters is spread far and wide (and thin).

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: LOLWTFBBQ,

    I have drunk beer that's actually been passed it's use by date or was a bad batch before (not intentionally - well not for starters anyway). And in one instance it was at a football game in Korea in 40 degreee heat so we just drank it anyway!

    But I'm yet to find a beer that I've thought tasted awful enough not to want/need to drink.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: LOLWTFBBQ,

    I'm fortunate in that I will drink ANY beer and be happy with it. Doesn't matter if it's 8 bucks a pint or 15 bucks a dozen.

    It's so good having no standards.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Cracker: The Best Blogs of 2009 I Never…,

    Our 3 year old has started to appreciate the zoo (animals) more in her last couple of visits. Before that you are almost taking them for your own sake and are disappointed when they find more interest in mud, trees, a stick they found on the ground or the sparrows that are flying around outside the exotic bird enclosures.

    She was car sick on the way back from the Coromandel today so we tried to take her mind off it by pointing out the animals as we drove past.

    "Look Yuha, cows, look Yuha, sheep, look there's lots of cows, look there's some sheep, look, some more sheep, look, heaps of cows, look, a horse, oh no, sorry, it's actually a cow". in the end she didn't puke her guts out like she did on the road back from Piha the other day. The second time we've taken her to Piha and the second time she's ever puked in the car. This was monumental pukeage. Step back and watch in awe as a three year old appears to puke food from lunch, breakfast, the previous dinner and the previous lunch in that order though definately merged somewhat. Lesson be learned, avoid taking small children to Piha. I wonder how parents living out there cope with their little ones.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feminist as crazy old man,

    I'm with you Danielle. My wife and I just wanted baby out asap (took 22 hours in the end). That day fades into the distant past pretty quickly compared to the 40 months since. A lot of people go on about that day, but I've had plenty of better ones with our daughter since. That day was quite traumatic in many ways, great feeling to get bubs out alive and well but as much a sense of relief as anything else if I'm being honest and I and my wife (especially) couldn't wait to get it over with and get on with the fun stuff.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feminist as crazy old man,

    My childs dentist informed me a few weeks ago that we are born with mouths free from bacteria (makes sense) but we spread it to babies and children by kissing them, sharing cups etc.

    Also had a handy chart for the most nasty drinks for teeth. Beer and wine quite high up on the list and she suggested having a glass of water to sip from constantly when having sessions on the booze to rinse all the sugars contained in them from your teeth. Because typically people will saturate their teeth for hours in beer or wine without eating or drinking much else.

    Top of the pops was the energy drinks targetting kids which are rotting a generations teeth, with this dentist having had to pull out entire sets of teeth of kids barely at primary school.

    Also sports drinks like Powerade are awful for loosening existing fillings.

    For kids... water only, no juice at all, spit, don't rinse, brush their teeth for them, don't let them do it, brush twice a day, no lollies as rewards, and gently ease them off thumb sucking before they are 27.

    I became an expert in 10 minutes.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feminist as crazy old man,

    and the inherent power imbalance of penis-in-vagina sex.

    They need to look at it differently.

    The vagina is engulfing the penis.

    Go on admit it, you are all sitting there now picturing that.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Cracker: two-oh-one-oh,

    F*ck! I just realised what the next decade will be called.

    "Twenty twenties".

    As if it hasn't f*cked cricket already. :(

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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