Posts by Danielle
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a job which became enormously easier after Shirtcliffe started talking
I recently rewatched one of his anti-MMP TV spots, and was annoyed all over again at the uber-manipulative insults to my intelligence contained within it.
Is this really a place where feminists feel uncomfortable? Perhaps I am, as usual, suffering from false consciousness and only *think* I'm a feminist (I have a lack of 'right-on-ness' on occasion, I know), but there are much much MUCH worse places for feminists than PAS. If I'm ever uncomfortable here, it's because you never know when someone I went to school with is going to pop up and say 'you were shitty at PE!' (Hi Kyle. :))
What's the word for a tail-ender who can't actually bowl or field either? Because I think that's my cricketing position.
I volunteer to bring out the drinks on the little trolley, though.
It *did* smell like cat pee, though. I speak as a connoisseur of pet urine.
maybe in some circumstances empathy could even make you a better killer
What a lovely thought.
Also, this thread has started to make me feel as dumb as a box of hammers. :)
You know who else likes ugly clothes you can order off the internet?
I always feel as though the answer to a rhetorical interweb question like that is going to be a triumphant 'Hitler!' (And actually, having looked at the outfit, perhaps I'm not far off. Shudder.)
I haven't looked at the Slate article because I'm at work, but I hope they noted that Victorian women suffering from 'hysteria' were often sent to doctors to be masturbated out of it. Eat your heart out, Barbarella.
you are considering the possibility that the police action was a bit excessive and that there might be valid complaints
I read all those threads (because I am a nutbar, obviously), and as someone with no real horse in the race, I felt that a significant number of people posting here were always willing to take the possibility of dodgy police actions into account. Just because they weren't jumping up and down yelling OMG FASCISM!!1!!1! doesn't mean they were giving the police an entirely free pass.
The long-term aim of the democrats - to the extent that political parties (esp American ones) have long-term aims - must surely be to shift the political centre to the left
What bums me out about them as a party is their triangulation-mania. The Democratic higher-ups are such a bunch of appeasing wimps that they'll let the religious right dictate all the terms of the debate. Meh. I don't really hold out high hopes for them.
(What they *really* need to do is get rid of the electoral college. Also, pigs need to start growing wings, stat.)
I'm not sure if your vote being worth next to nothing is any different in Texas to anywhere else. I vote more because I feel obliged to than because I think it matters.
I do feel that my vote in New Zealand matters much more. We are a more democratic country, with a more representative system, more than two parties, and a tiny population - plus I get two votes! Voting for President in the US is a weird, almost pointless exercise if you're in a 'safe for the other party' state (I voted once under FPP here while living in a National stronghold, and had the same kind of feeling). The only reason I even bother is for statistical reasons, so you can get a better feel for the country than simplistic red state/blue state splits (I'm always spouting on about this, but did you know that Texas voted nearly 40% Democrat in the last presidential election?). Or, as my husband put it in 2004: 'I want to be on record as having voted against that bastard twice.'
Are you saying, Rob, that the man in the US Consulate in Auckland lied to me? I feel so betrayed.
The tubes are helpful: I see that the Department of State has a wishy-washy policy on deliberate dual citizenship: you don't necessarily lose your US citizenship unless you show that you 'intend' to renounce it, but they don't 'encourage' dual citizenship either, in case you have a greater allegiance to the new country. Wacky. And what is 'intent to renounce'? It can apparently not only be a formal renounciation, but can also 'be shown by the person's statements or conduct.' Hmmm. So if my husband was very critical of US foreign policy, for example - which he is - perhaps someone might consider that citizenship-renouncing conduct.
The US is so weird. :)