Posts by Danielle
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As I understand the rules, it's allowed if you're a citizen of both countries by birth/descent: with a Cajun father and a mother from Invercargill, I can legally have both. Dual citizenship is only a no-no if you, as a US citizen, 'swear allegiance' to another country. So my husband, born and raised in Texas, could not become a NZ passport-holder without renouncing his US citizenship.
I had a good read through everyone's stances at On The Issues, and it seems that the only Democratic candidate who is against the death penalty is Kucinich. Who has not a hope in hell, but can at least be comforted by his disturbingly hot wife. You can do a cute little quiz there to see who's most allied to your political convictions, too.
Edwards, who also doesn't suck policy-wise, won't win because of that bloody haircut. I am therefore hoping for Obama, because this whole political dynasty thing with Clinton rather squicks me out.
As a dual-citizenship-holder, I get to vote! Which would be really cool if I didn't get to vote in my last state of residence, which is fucking *Texas*. What a waste of paper first-past-the-post is...
Goodness me. I would probably just barely pass the cultural section, and most of the rest is a complete mystery. Even if I was born in 1974 and lived in splendid isolation in Mairangi Bay for the entire Muldoon era, there's really no excuse, is there? I am a failure as a New Zealander.
I was puzzled by that assertion too, but hey, what do I know? I'm probably suffering from false consciousness anyway. :)
Hmmm. I think Ben and I have to link pinky fingers and say 'jinx' before we can post again...
Yes, things are going just peachily for all those civilian dead and displaced...
a NY Times article about 'next gen' librarians in the fashion section(?!)
Derailingly, blurgh. Thanks for reminding me of this. There is nothing lamer than a group of librarians talking about how they reach out to Teh Yoof with their awesomeness and their faux-ironic terms like 'guybrarian'. 'We're cool! Honestly! We're "knowledge brokers"! Look how jazzy and fashionable and Web 2.0 we are!' I don't need to be 'rebranded', thanks. Do. Not. Care. I might even start wearing my hair in a bun and shushing people, just to drive all the obsessive Next Generation librarians batty.
Not that I'm bitter about this, you understand. :)
I think I win the AK79 bargain-off by finding it *and* the Toy Love LP in Real Groovy in about 1992 for $19.95 apiece. That was a good day. They were a bit scratched to buggery, but no skips.
(Tangentially, it's funny how very little I care about the actual physical product/packaging any more. If I could get rid of every CD I own and put them all on some mighty mega-hard-drive, I would in a heartbeat. And I would probably only keep a very few LPs, for sentimental reasons. Basically, I need less *stuff* in my house.)
No one has any love for the Wendy's Deluxe Cheeseburger?
With Neil Finn they then became far more contrived and tended towards the more radio-friendly pop / new wave stuff they're mainly known for.
I'm actually a fan of The Judd Years myself - he doesn't get his due - but I am going to have to say 'huh?' to the concept of the later, poppy years being 'more contrived'. That early stuff is so all about the fey posing! And really, the key thread running through all of the many incarnations of the band is that contrived self-consciousness. They were never about getting up there and bashing stuff out in a pair of Levis and a tshirt, were they? It's not like we're talking about the Ramones.