Posts by Ross Mason

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  • Hard News: Fact and fantasy,

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fact and fantasy,

    So lets get to the crux of why farmers (seem to) want to forever strive for the production gold:

    This one is all about the wonderful banks offering that wonderful interest protection racket.

    And this one is all about how much we owe: The odd $48Billion.

    Not bad for a few thousand farms eh?

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fact and fantasy, in reply to Farmer Green,

    all the plant is running all the time. At the moment factories costing $300 million or more lie idle for three months.

    Yeah…nature's a real bastard when it comes to utilisation of the cow. Fancy not wanting to produce milk all year round…..what a waste……Why…we c/should make a GM YRC c/shouldn’t we.

    Golly, we damn near did it but it got squashed…oh…and didn’t have a tail. I wonder what other “natural” occurances happened in that YRC?

    YRC – Year Round Cow.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fact and fantasy,

    Farmer Green really hasn’t got much to offer to the good folk here ; he was hoping for some suggestions for his own farming operation.
    What is it that you want to see?

    Here's one.

    More cows per farm. More cow shit. More shit, more storage problems. More storage problems, more area wasted. Shit takes up energy.

    I think it is not beyond possibility that someone might like to build a container sized shit cooker. One that every dairy farmer could drop next to the cow shed shit storage area and pump, cook and stew shit and extract useful fuel. The fuel is fed straight into a generator also in the container. My back of the envelope calculations suggest 300 cows could easily supply a farms' energy needs and produce excess to the grid. The beauty of the container is maintenance. Need a new one? Bring it on, swap it and carry on. They could be built to accommodate (say) 200 cows shit supply in each container.

    Convince me it ain't a winner. Maybe I should enter it into the Great New Zealand Science Project.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fact and fantasy, in reply to Farmer Green,


    A friend of mine put this on Facebook today. Where have the trees gone? This is papa mudstone country. Some of the most temporary landscape in the world. We slashed and burned. This was the the beginning. Not fencing waterways is just a continuation of the 150+years of rape and pillage and pollution.

    It is time Farmer Boy used his verbal jousting to constructively improve the situation we are in.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: Gerry Brownlee: “I Like To…,


    Nail gun? Nail gun??

    Where's my fucking hammer!!!!


    Unfortunately most google results for "X with nailgun" (kid, cat, et cetera) result in either tragedy or horror.

    Use the nail gun to keep the cat on the table. Then you can take your time to kick it off.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Party on, dudes,

    Having been one who has received as well as given it is good that I have not had the opportunity of having to beg my way back in!!! And I haven't been chucked for trolling!!!!!

    PS has been illuminating, revealing and educational since I tested the water.

    Thank you Russell n'all.

    @ Geoff Lealand

    Now that we have joined the deck-owning fraternity, I would be happy to host a PAS picnic this summer

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Big 2012 US Election PAS Thread,

    Eye Eye Cap'n.

    Something incisive?

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Big 2012 US Election PAS Thread,

    Islander I am shocked......spell check please! You whiley young thing!

    Edit: Shame shame shame on me. But I DO see it is now acceptable both ways!!!
    Edit 2: oh is worse that that!! <hole in ground>

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Big 2012 US Election PAS Thread,

    Please don't mention Baysian Statistics. It will start a firefight around here.......

    92% Bet the house on it.
    75% Bet the cat
    51% Bet a dollar.

    The best description of probablility / uncertainty I ever saw it this:

    Dr C H Meyer NBS(1935ish)
    on his recently calculated Heat Capacity of Ammonia

    “We think our reported value is good to 1 part in 10,000: we are willing to bet our own money at even odds that it is correct to 2 parts in 10,000. Furthermore, if by chance our value is shown to be in error by more than 1 part in 1,000, we are prepared to eat the apparatus and drink the ammonia.”

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

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