Posts by James Butler

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  • Up Front: It's Not Sex, and It's Not Education, in reply to Fooman,

    It all depends on how you define the frequency response.


    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Up Front: It's Not Sex, and It's Not Education, in reply to Emma Hart,

    See, I was looking at "the 3dB line" and thinking, man, anything under about 120dB and I'd say it wasn't working...

    Physicists and engineers tend to measure signal level in negative dB, where 0dB means "AS LOUD AS IT GETS".

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Up Front: It's Not Sex, and It's Not Education, in reply to Moz,

    I say condoms don't work. They may work less badly than most of the alternatives, but that's different from, as you put it "they are the only thing that works".

    It's also different from not working. I think you are differing on where you draw the "works" line, for which there is no right answer (well, there might be; with my fuzzy recollection of my time at Uni I can't decide whether it's "below the Planck length" or "at the 3dB line").

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Up Front: It's Not Sex, and It's Not Education, in reply to Lucy Stewart,

    And about the diversity of genital appearance in general – useful both for self-esteem and ability to spot real abnormality.

    Indeed. Especially since said diversity seems to have diminished in mainstream porn, just as the availability of porn images to young people has hugely increased. Teenagers are very easily able to find images of what the porn industry thinks genitalia should look like, and they all look the same.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Up Front: It's Not Sex, and It's Not Education, in reply to BenWilson,

    Wow. How many years?

    *counts* 8-9 ish

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Up Front: It's Not Sex, and It's Not Education,

    Kids at school can be really hard on gays.

    A bit OT, but I thought of this fact, and refrained from commenting, when Craig brought up on twitter this morning the Android app that purports to tell parents if their son is gay; the good liberal answer being "I don't care; I love him just the same either way".

    Now I don't doubt that the app is bullshit, and made with borderline-homophobic intent. But if my son or daughter are gay, I would like to know about it as soon as (if not before) they do; for the simple reason that life is still harder for non-straight kids than otherwise, and it's part of my responsibility as a parent to help them through that. My hope is that we have a sufficiently open and loving family that my wife and I would be the first people our children would turn to for this kind of discussion; that we wouldn't need an app for that.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Up Front: It's Not Sex, and It's Not Education, in reply to BenWilson,

    I’d also be interested in hearing from male readers who don’t suffer a loss of pleasure or function with condom use.

    Pleasure, a little; function, no (other than the intended loss of "function", of course).

    Indeed. I’d like to hear from the guy who actually prefers them and would wear them even in a monogamous and trusting relationship.

    My wife and I used condoms as our sole form of contraception for years, up until I had a vasectomy. She had solid reasons for not wanting to take the pill etc..

    OTOH I really didn't learn to use them properly until after I was a father at age 18. Not sure what that says about anything, but there it is.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Up Front: It's Not Sex, and It's Not Education, in reply to Martin Lindberg,

    the fact that the member just looks so fucking stupid

    Did you have to bring up McCully again?

    Wait, a) you call your cock McCully, and b) you're turned on by the thought of a too-tight condom?

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Up Front: It's Not Sex, and It's Not Education, in reply to Lucy Stewart,

    the name came before the item of clothing. At some point, penises started being called jocks, hence jockstrap.

    And here I was thinking it was derived from "Jockey", the brand.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Hard News: Auckland, so much enormity to…, in reply to Sofie Bribiesca,

    Couldn’t the Council make use of the newly repaired Aotea Square? Y’know ,the one next to the Town Hall. That would fit nicely into the Warriors Game Sunday.

    But then where would the Land Rovers drive around in circles?

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

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