Posts by Phil Lyth

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  • Hard News: Rodney on the Road,

    To add to I/S's contribution:

    Rodney's "Regulatory Responsibility Bill" was drawn from the ballot in 2006, went to select committee, and is currently parked up on the Order Paper.

    Rodney as Minister also introduced as a Government Bill the Regulatory Improvement Bill in May this year and it is currently before the Commerce Committee.

    Is is stated to be "an omnibus bill to make amendments to legislation with the objective of improving the regulatory framework and reducing the compliance burden on business."

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Gold: An email…,

    (belatedly) @Christopher Dempsey

    I did say my OIA might tie bureaucrats in knots. I didn't say it was perfect and tight. You're spot on re needing to be precise.

    Nevertheless, if some resident in a rivermouth town wants to invest in a 50 cent stamp, they are welcome to use the request . . .

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Gold: An email…,

    On the other hand ... does Laws write any non-abusive letters on his mayoral email address?

    Now there would be an interesting OIA request. Could tie bureaucrats in knots.

    CEO, Wanganui District Council, PO Box 637, Wanganui

    Official Information Act request

    I request the count of the number of emails sent from the address in the seven days 14 - 20 September 2009.

    I request the numbers of these categorised as sent to Wanganui DC email addresses (internal) and other addresses (external)

    I request the numbers of internal emails further categorised as not abusive; partly abusive; abusive

    I request the numbers of external emails further categorised as not abusive; partly abusive; abusive

    If you are not able to categorise emails as not abusive; partly abusive; abusive, then I request a copy of each email, with enough content so that I can categorise each

    You are reminded that the information requested is official information within the scope of the Act and must be provided as soon as reasonably possible as it is consistent with the public interest.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Gold: An email…,

    Blackberries and mobile broadband have a lot to answer for in allowing some people too much access to teh interwebs.

    OTOH, these devices allow a lot of MPs to be very responsive to emails (if the email is not in the abusive you're-a-total-loser vein.)

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Gold: An email…,

    So, how do you classify the comment about red necks and banjos ?

    Had I been working for Laws (hypothetically speaking), I would have regarded the first email as full of vigour but clean enough. And obviously from someone who would never agree with the boss. The reply to send at about 11am Thursday would have been, Thanks for your email. The Mayor stands by his comments.

    And then any followup would have been deleted.

    Remember banjos only turned up after jerk jerk jerk.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Gold: An email…,

    What I want is his e-mail address. Might drop him a line.

    To his credit, is public domain on

    Back in the day, the rule was, answer the nice /. neutral people ASAP. On the other hand, nutters / trolls / those who obviously will never agree, wait 12 hours and send a polite one-liner saying, Thanks for your viewpoint.

    That was so much better for the blood presure.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Undie Wankers,

    Are you sure that's not misspelled ?

    written wronger, so to speak.


    who still recalls from Educating Rita 'Assonance is when they get the rhyme wrong', apropos of nothing much

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Undie Wankers,

    Wow, so that is the Edit button. He said. Adding one word. At. A. Time.

    who will no longer suffer 'ohnoseconds', those tiny tiny slivers of time between pushing <Enter> and realising what is misspelt.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: America: Chill out!,

    lovely line I heard from one of two Americans on Nat Rad (where else?), might have been on a panel at a recent Readers and Writers Week. Anyway

    She said that TV channel is often referred to as Fox Noise (spoken) or Faux News (written).

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: America: Chill out!,

    The NY Times has the 'prepared text'

    The White House site appears to have transformed that into a transcript, complete with numerous mentions of (Applause) and the solitary heckle. Presumably they have caught up with any ad libs/deviations from text as well.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

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