Posts by Jacqui Dunn

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  • Up Front: That's Inappropriate!, in reply to Jackie Clark,

    Ooh, Jackie, I take it you were asking me that question: no, absolutely not. And from what I remember of Marsden, it wasn’t a Catholic college. I was a St Mary’s Hill St student.

    EDIT: You'll never remember the question from that long ago. Sorry, I've been away for a few seconds, and while I was, one hundred and ninety odd comments seem to have been added. Anyway, Jackie, what is scary about my possibly being a Marsden girl, or is this a case of mistaken identity?

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Cracker: Gone Fushin’, in reply to christopher brown,

    Andrea didn't suggest not eating them, but the photo of the lines of dead schnapper might have made her wonder how big an appetite each of the fishers had. Also, maybe, how often they might go out fishing.

    Made me a bit queasy too, as you'll see from my posts.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Up Front: That's Inappropriate!, in reply to Kyle Matthews,

    No, Kyle, the whole point was that the girls (and their parents probably) as well as much of the general public thought it was idiotic - in fact, so idiotic that everyone laughed like drains over it.

    There was a tendency among the gels in Wellington who had to wear panama hats in summer and felt hats in winter, to roll the sides of said hats up so they looked more like stetsons. But only the tarty gels did that!

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Up Front: That's Inappropriate!, in reply to richard,

    Great Scott! You don't wear a knotted hankie on your head too, do you?

    Actually, when I went to school - a Catholic girls' school - a very long time ago now, there was a furore about patent leather shoes and girls wearing them. This was deemed Not A Good Thing, because (takes deep breath) men could see the reflection of your underwear in them.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Cracker: Gone Fushin’, in reply to Damian Christie,

    I can so appreciate the desire to "drama" it up a bit. Have to admit to a bit of that myself on the odd occasion :)

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • 180 Seconds with Craig Ranapia - 14th November,

    Ah, so that's what you sound like, Craig!

    Is someone who has a go at someone else who is much more powerful, a bully? I wouldn't have thought so. Perhaps I didn't get the point. =|8 \ (This is me trying to make a puzzled face....gigantic fail!)

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Cracker: Gone Fushin’, in reply to Damian Christie,

    Thanks for that info, Damian. (Sorry, spelled your name wrong previously - hate that!) I read that bit of your post again re the flapping fish and it did sound as if you just hauled them in and threw your line back in anew. So glad you didn't do that!

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: New Old Left?,

    Might have been two hours ago, but made me laugh at 11.20!

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do you like what we've done…, in reply to matthewbuchanan,

    Oh, goodie. As I said, not that important - just a bit of fun. (Have noticed that I inadvertently provided what was missing from Joe's origin. There's probably a name for that sort of thing, heh :))

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Cracker: Gone Fushin’, in reply to Martin Lindberg,

    Um. Are we talking at cross purposes here, Martin? I don't have a problem with people killing what they want to eat - just that it would be better, for killer and killee, if it wasn't a long, slow death.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

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