Posts by Jacqui Dunn

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  • Cracker: Gone Fushin’,

    a good life a, quick death and a meal for me

    Forgive me if I'm mistaken, Damien, but "a quick death" - quoting Raymond Francis - is not something you or your mates gave the fish you caught. Shame on you if that's the have a responsibility, if you are going to eat another creature, to ensure it doesn't suffer needlessly before it gives you the bounty of its flesh.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do you like what we've done…,

    Nice. I really like it to be able to see everyone's gravatars so clearly. That's splendid!

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rolling back the right to silence,

    Sigh, not having much luck with technology this morning

    Well, it looked good to me Dyan. I can't do that yet.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • The end of the road West,

    @ Ben.

    Nice post. :)

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • The end of the road West,

    Thinking about the ep this morning, I realized that for me it was along the lines of that last Soprano's ep, where everything you saw had the possibility of turning into something - in the Soprano's case - violent, but in the West's, y'know, whatever....funny, outrageous or totally out-of-left-field. And it was like that right to the end. Sheryl standing on the patio. Was someone going to come along and tap her on the shoulder? Was she going to jump? It had a dramatic tension, based on the previous.


    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • The end of the road West,

    Grant Bowler himself has been a notorious public twatcock about OF

    But then, he is an Australian, so he would, wouldn't he?

    (Ducks for cover from "Australian" brother, and looks for coat.)

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • The end of the road West,

    Well, sure there'll be tears. There have been tears in our house all the way through, on many occasions.

    We cringed though, when Pascalle and Judd got together. No!No!No! we all cried, with not a tear in sight. You can't do that! What are you thinking?

    I love Aaron. I especially loved the episode a couple of series back when he built Pascalle a special fitting in her bedroom, high as a kite on the drug the others were trialling. A masterpiece of writing and scene-setting.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Southerly: When Otters Get Famous,

    "Ough" and "augh", as in rough, slough, through, ought and daughter and laughter.
    EDIT: Knew I'd come up with another. Draught. Oh, except it's the same again. Duh.

    Here, there
    Heck, who'd want to learn English?

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Busytown: A Classical Education: Chapter…,

    Oh, pfft. Didn't do Greek. Did do Latin.

    Blum blum blum bli blo blo
    Bla bla bla blorum blis blis!

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: Summer's record has come early,

    Oh thanks Russell. (For a moment, I thought it had magically done it by itself.)

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

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