Posts by Stewart

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  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Emma, thanks for clearing up my stupid confusion (although having followed the thread quite closely there does seem to be some support for both opinions at the same time from some posters).

    And yes, Michael, I did think of appending a note about "No sniggering at the back there about the juxtaposition of 'gays' and 'fist'" but I tend to think my mind is the only really deviant one here (apart from Craig & Emma* et al)

    * Including but not limited to...

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    I'm a bit confused bby the double-assertion that

    - Everyone should be able to marry
    - Marriage as we know it should be abolished

    Isn't that a bit like saying
    - Everyone can have a pony
    - Ponies are all to be put to death

    I am married and I can see no reason why same-sex marriage should be proscribed. As I stated earlier, I've known plenty of gays who would make a much better fist of marriage than some of the hetero couples that vociferously insist that gay marriage is beyond the pale.

    But what is the basis for "Marriage as we know it should be abolished"?

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Regard Auckland II: WTF?,

    They are also fortunate enough not to have Rodney Hide wreaking his mayhem upon them.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Hard News: Current affairs TV in "making…,

    Paul, I think I would only succumb to your argument if I felt that the pigs knew, during their lives, that they were destined to be eaten.
    Death happens to all that is alive - I just want the piggies deaths not to have been in vain, and their lives to have been comparatively comfortable and pleasant.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Danielle, you are not alone. I know it's not the done thing for a bloke to say it, but I really, really enjoyed our wedding at the Wood Green Registry Office and the rest of the day. People that know you (and/or your partner) there to celebrate for the pair of you, everyone hoping that it will be a success and no-one being judgemental (to our faces, at least). Quite one of the best days of my life - so far.

    (And the source of the gin-buckets mentioned upthread - presents from my then work-mates. Only 2 have survived the intervening 23+ years and a relocation to the other side of the world.)

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Thanks for that, Emma. I hope that your logic is suitable to persuade DarlingWife that I should try a gin-tasting. I like the sound of that (_8(|)

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Hard News: Current affairs TV in "making…,


    eating them is whole reason for their existence - we don't get wool or milk from them, nor even antler-velvet. Just lots of pig-meat, and pretty much nothing need be wasted.

    If you don't want to eat them, fair enough. But domesticated farm animals were reared for what we can get from them (nasty despicable manipulative humans) so we owe it to them that they should be allowed as happy a life as possible and with enjoyment of their meat.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    OK, they can't be my friends then, Emma, cos none of them has tried to stop me yet.
    I might be a whisky snob, but I have yet to get into a gin-tasting and develop a passion for 1 brand over another. Is it cos I don't drink it neat?

    (Recipe: heavy-bottomed gin-bucket, crystal of course; 4 large ice-cubes; add gin until level is halfway up the glass; squeeze in lemon or lime juice & add a thin slice; top up with tonic.)

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    I have kinda toyed with the idea of sending off to one of those 'diploma factories' in the States to get some form of ordination so I could set up a Church of the Crusty Bogan (all manner of benefits might accrue). If I did so, I would be happy to officiate at your wedding, Craig.

    Do marriages have to be any more than that?
    Mine took place in a registry office - I am a non-believer - much to the consternation of my f-i-l and I have taken it seriously enough to have worked at it for near on a quarter century. So far, so good.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Emma, your therapist sounds like a good 'un - any spare slots for a marginally mixed-up married hetero male? Or am I going to be seeing Gordon again?

    I am constantly bemused by the conflation of 'homosexual' with other sexual activities that frighten the horses. Particularly the idea that homosexuals morph into paedophiles if they are given anything other than a sound thrashing. So much of society seem to out-source their thinking to the sparkliest soundbite (or self-appointed bishop, for that matter).

    I am married and there's plenty of heterosexual couples that are useless at marriage; I can't see that letting Teh Gayz get married is going to devalue the institution.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

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