Posts by Sam F
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Since Gio is far too polite to link it directly himself, can I point you all to this superb post on the Bennett welfare reforms?
there really should be some 'razzie' type media awards for the shoddiest piece of journalism to counter the qantas best of.
Ignore me if I've said this before, but you may be interested in these offerings from Radio New Zealand - although they may not be quite polemical enough for your taste, I suspect.
I see this morning that ACT has taken the opportunity to pat itself on the back with a leaflet singing the praises of Three Strikes, distributed inside the Herald. Printed and distributed with public money largely in defiance of ACT's ideological principles, but all in the greater good, y'know?
I get the feeling I've missed something important here...?
We're okay, we're alright...
Wouldn't even need to change the tourism slogan...
It's rather surreal to see the China Daily running frothing editorials and summarised Xinhua commentaries which describe Google in the same terms as they used to describe other lackeys of the imperialist US, not so very long ago...
Google's actions show that the world's biggest search engine company has abandoned its business principles and instead shows the world a face that is totally politicized.
First, it claims without any evidence that the Chinese government has supported hackers' attacks against it. Then it threatened to pull out of the Chinese market if the government doesn't compromise on Internet regulations. Finally, American politicians and government institutions spoke up to back the company up and show the world a slapstick comedy [...]
...No country will allow information about subversion, separation, racialism and terrorism to circulate in it through the Internet... It is a great pity that the Google case told us the company's aim of entering the Chinese market seems not for commercial reasons but to act as a tool to penetrate into the Chinese culture as well as into Chinese people's values.
It is ridiculous and arrogant for an American company to attempt to change China's laws. The country doesn't need a politicized Google or Google's politics.
...Google's penchant for instigating farces on the global stage has almost become instinctive in nature and it is no coincidence that Google performed one in China. It is the inevitable result of putting self-interests above the other countries and companies and being blind to business integrity and corporate social responsibility. If Google cannot turn around and correct its errors, it will land itself in serious trouble and become global enemy No. 1.
I guess will need a new, less evil web search partner, then?
I thought yo'all would have got that when he said St Kevin's Arcade was built by the Romans.
You have to admit it would make sense given the strong Vandal influence in the rest of the CBD.
Who's picking a Ministerial call-in of resource consents on grounds of strategic national importance or whatever it's called?
Get ready for Holes of National Significance.