Posts by Grant McDougall

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  • Cracker: Sintax,

    Bad Politics, Baby!

    the Dead C can do their own artwork for this one

    Given that Michael Morley's been a lecturer at Dunedin Art School for several years, I think he'd be able to provide something without too much trouble.

    (Bet you didn't know that about him, Mr Daktari!).

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Cracker: Sintax,

    "Those boys who go to so much trouble
    to be Rasputin's double
    they look so grand behind the big car doors
    with the girls who remind you of weeping sores"

    Headless Chickens - 'Do the Headless Chickens'.

    Art work by Bill Hammond or Richard Kileen, maybe ?

    '"Red is the empty sky
    black is what they're building on it
    they knocked down the ivory mansion
    it was one of my favourites"

    Headless Chickens - 'Donka'.

    Hmm, I reckon Seraphine Pick or Maryrose Crook could come up with soemthign pretty good.

    "There are some people who can swallow their fear
    pull straight ahead and then
    crush the living daylights out of all around"

    Tall Dwarfs - 'Crush'.

    Art by Chris Knox or Alec Bathgate, of course would be ideal, but given Chris' current predicament, maybe he'd be able to at least "direct" the art work ?
    Or failing that, I think cartoonist Trace Hodgson would make a fair fist of it.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Random Play: So. I'm off Te Radar again,

    Really interesting post, Graeme, appreciate it.

    I knew "Te Radar" well before he was "Te Radar" when he was a fellow student here in Dunedin in the early '90s. (He was good mates with one of my flatmates). He was pretty witty even then and he totally deserves his success as a comedian.

    Unlike some "celebs" or "media" people in this little fishbowl of a country, he's still pretty down-to-earth despite his profile.

    I last saw him about two years ago in the supermarket around the corner from my place; we had a quick yarn, caught up on the gossip about my old flatmate, etc.

    If he does a Dunedin show, I'll have to go. Maybe he'll even put my name on the door...

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Creepy Party,

    Roger Douglas has just said on Checkpoint that everything's now hunky-dory between Hide and Roy and that Act will get 7 - 8% and 10 MPs at the next election.
    ACT truly live in a parallel universe, don't they ?

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Creepy Party,

    I now look forward to the next twelve months working cohesively to return up to 10 ACT MPs in 2011.

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...Is there a large pig fluttering in the sky above your house as well ?

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Radiation: This Is Not My Dan Carter,

    Fire up the PVR

    I assume that's short for "preview" or whatever it's called ? I would if I actually had it and seeing as I don't that's precisely why I was complaining about the scheduling.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Radiation: This Is Not My Dan Carter,

    This Is Not My Life looks like it could be a good show, but it annoys the hell out of my that TVNZ have scheduled it to screen at the same time as Prime's Survivors , which is also a "what's happened to me and my world ?" type of programme.
    Going from the ads for them, they both look interesting. Oh well, that's market competition for you, I suppose... *sigh*

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: The truth about "Party Central",

    Someone recently commented here that "party central" seemed like a sudden phrase that John Key blurted out without thinking and then, having opened his gob, had to make happen.

    Given Sneddon's comments this is looking more amd more likely.

    Also, aren't Sneddon's comments refreshingly free of management-speak cliches ?

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Behind the Paywall,

    You've got to wonder who's giving Murdoch IT advice. He bought myspace, twiddled around with it and it's basically became a ghost town since Arsebook came along.
    Then he decides to get into charging for on-line viewing, presumably on the advice from the same IT rocket scientists. You'd think they'd have learnt something from myspace's fall from popularity, but clearly not.

    Russell, good to see you calling Joanne Black on her inane column. She seemed to delight in taking a cheap shot at unions in the same column too, but that's what you expect from someone married to one of John Key's flunkies, I suppose. She is the Listener's Kerre Woodham. Brrrrr.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ideology for Evidence,

    the ECA went down like a cup of cold sick, yet they insist on bringing aspects of it back again, in effect.

    That's a nice theory, but National won two elections after passing the ECA so it may not have been a big deal for as many people as you assume.

    I disagree. National won the 1993 election by one seat, hardly a ringing endorsement. They only won in 1996 once Winston Peters had finished vacillating, again hardly a ringing endorsement.

    Labour abolished it in 1999 and I don't recall any great, wide-spread demands for it not to be.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

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