Posts by Angus Robertson

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  • Hard News: Space for Ol Dat I See,

    A million thank yous for the cycle trail map. It is difficult to plan a good route, not having the paths on a road map.

    Have been doing the same thing in the same places in an effort to get fit and with half an eye to riding the Colville Connection in mid-March if able. This year ambitiously hoping to finish in the top 80% of the field.

    BTW - does anyone know where the "50 km cycle route" runs? There are little blue signs all over Auckland City telling you it exists, but half of them seem to be missing.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Field Theory: LOLWTFBBQ,

    If it's good enough for Lord Byron, it's good enough for me.

    Beer would leak out the eyes.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Field Theory: LOLWTFBBQ,

    Monteith's New Zealand Lager is brewed in New Zealand for the UK market. A quality premium beer, it delivers on the unique, clean crisp taste of New Zealand and crafted with the UK consumers' palate in mind.

    So its product placement.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Field Theory: LOLWTFBBQ,

    No, that's wrong, there's another big set of beer ads with that trope in it: the drink driving ones.

    And the Tui Blond ads where hype, hype, hype is followed by the bottle with a voiceover "its just a beer launch" - portay beer as beer, not beer as thought.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Speaker: Towards a realistic drug policy,

    Good Luck, keep up the pressure, it wont change under National tho'

    The Nats made great efforts pre-election to proclaim that NZers did not need a "nanny state". They were against the banning of incandescent lightbulbs. They were against the banning of pies from school tuck shops. They were against the banning of smacking kids, for a while, before they weren't.

    They need to find some new revenue streams, but can't raise income taxes. They want to cut back on prison spending and court costs.

    And their coalition partners Act and the Maori Party are lots more inclined to support legalisation than NZ First or the Progressives ever were.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Speaker: Towards a realistic drug policy,

    Why focus on the harm at all?

    Alcohol is a marvellous drug. Legalised sales make the fun and socialable effects of alcohol easily available, whilst at the same time bringing a good sized revenue stream to society through taxation.

    Cannabis is a marvellous drug. Legalisation would make the fun...

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Speaker: Towards a realistic drug policy,

    Are you trying to legalise cannabis or bring about prohibition on alcohol?

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feminist as crazy old man,


    More likely something a lot less than one, but greater than zero.

    With the current lot in I reckon health performance is going to be very cost driven and experts who endorse "better outcomes through natural childbirth" are going to be much in demand.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feminist as crazy old man,

    But there's a big strand of "these women have all these choices now and are doing stupid things with them, it must be stopped!" in those debates. On the other hand, there's an equally annoying "what do we need all these experts for, they're only out to oppress you with their opinions, it's my choice," vibe out there too.

    And how many heart by-passes or chemo treatments does a c-section cost compared to a natural birth.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Speaker: North versus South, Part 1,

    Some other recipies to try - lemon baked snapper, trevally with tomato & olives, kingfish in garlic butter.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

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