Posts by Yamis

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  • Hard News: Deja Vu,

    Mark, if the parents are still so hopeless that they are not interested as grandparents do you not think that the alchoholism counselling would have equally fallen on deaf or disinterested ears?

    People going and getting counselling for alchohol abuse and any other types of counselling that we may think are useful can only happen if those afflicted are willing to participate voluntarily. If somebody has broken a law then a judge may order them to undertake in something but if that's not the case what can be done? You can offer it but you can't say to a parent, "since you aren't sorting out your boozing we aren't going to give your kid any financial support to get out of your home and pay for some food". That would be leaving the kids hanging out to dry and we would face far greater issues dealing with said kids a bit further down the track.

    While I agree that where possible the powers that be try to help sort out the underlying issues I would hazard a guess that that is actually happening in more cases than not.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Island Life: The Prime Minister Has Spoken,

    Don't depend on leaders to come up with new ideas - motivating people and creative thinking don't always go hand in hand.

    You only have to look at the Warriors for an example of that. A motivated side that is the least creative in the clubs history and of any side in the comp since the Rabbitohs side of 1999 (I'm talking average points per game).

    Amazing how I can take any topic and flip it to sport.

    BOT, One option people have is going to teach in Korea and sending home tens of thousands of dollars in savings each year. Yep :) Or going to work anywhere overseas and sending the money back to NZ for their eventual arrival.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Just one point in it,

    I didn't see the Re-Union program but I had heard a couple of times prior tot he test that we needed to win by 6 or more. It must have been brought up on radio sport, but it was definately out there.

    Rokocoko spilt the ball forward 3?? times in the test on Saturday night.

    He's trying hard like he always does but as they pointed out, he hasn't scored a test try for the ABs since the game v Romania in 2007 (7 tests ago for him) and given he's in the side to score tries that must indicate something just isn't happening for him. He scored 7 tres in 14 matches for an awful Blues team. But things just don't seem to be either a) opening up for him or b) he's taking the wrong options when chances arise or c) he keeps dropping the effing ball!!!!

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Cracker: 19 Questions*,

    I can't screw my iPhone to my tripod.

    I'm sure there's a lightbulb joke in here somewhere.

    How many PAS readers does it take to screw in an iPhone?

    Nup, that's not it.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Not Guilty,

    looks like I'm not the only one with a few drinks on the mind...

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Not Guilty,

    Yes, but that's a different issue. The rules about prior convictions and acts are there to protect the accused from being unfairly prejudiced.

    Bain's defence team was entitled to produce evidence to show someone else might have committed the crime.

    I can definately see the difference. I just find it a bit stink for Robin Bain (not that he's going to be affected by it) that essentially the defence was trying to get David Bain off by pinning the murder on him when he's not around to defend himself and that they are able to bring in the same type of evidence that the prosecution is not able to use against their client. Not really a level playing field given at the end of the day it was a David? or Robin? scenario.

    Playing devils advocate it would be interesting to see what David Bain and supporters would make of a trial where the crown was trying to convict Robin Bain (post humously) of the killings and they found HIM not guilty.

    Gunman on the grassy knoll ;)

    Right, 6:55, could be time for a beer, then that wine that needs finishing and then some more beer.

    Be better when there's some bloody rugby to watch on TV though (OZ v Barbarians doesn't count, well not unless they play real Barbarians. That would be pretty awesome seeing a few Aussies meeting their demise on the end of a battle axe).

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Not Guilty,

    This sort of stuff was OK for the trial though...

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Not Guilty,

    And sometimes Richie McCaw drops the ball and Kobe Bryant misses a shot, but I digress. ;)

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    It must have.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Not Guilty,

    Now if your house burns down while your down at the dairy buying the <sunday star times:) and then when you arrive home, attempt to douse the flames, but realizing that the fire is out of control, you ring the fire brigade in a hell of a fluff, blabbing about the house being on fire, how its out of control, please hurry... Then the operated asks "where is the house?" OH! its at 25 River Cross Track, Canvas town.

    Then, by coincidence you had just recently amended you insurance policy, your copy of the Sunday Star Times has some real-estate properties circled in pink ink (pervert) and you have a trashy crime novel in your cars glove-box. Your school mates say your eyes used to light up at fireworks night, and witness A says you complained of the cold, starting " I hate my house, its freezing cold" Secret witness be says you said " it's tempting to just burn the thing down and start again, rather than putting good money after bad" And you have said on a blog leasing up to the event "You little ripper, warmth for our wooden tent for another few weeks."

    :) But in all seriousness, Where you also born in a tent. I was unfortunately born in a hospital, its one of my life's regrets. If I do it again, I'm going to be born out at sea.


    Nice work, I was really getting into it.

    If I can wreck the (happy) vibe your post gave me and get serious again ... I realise that deciding he's guilty on that 'piece of evidence' (if you could indeed call it that) is ridiculous. Lets just say it was the straw that broke the camels back for me. For others I'm sure it was but a straw in a pile of straw.

    @giovanni, the person who took the call was also surprised at the conversation and they deal with people in stressful situations day in and day out. You're right, I have no idea how I would react but I'd be surprised if I came across like that.

    As a side note I had to call an ambulance to my neighbours house twice last week and the person taking the call sounded rather puzzled when I told them the address to send the ambulance to was number 23 and not number 25 (given they know where you are calling from). I could tell they thought I'd ballsed it up, so I quickly clarified that it was for my neighbours who have no phone or car and wouldn't mind an ambulance getting there fairly quickly so bubs has a decent entry to the world (in a hospital, not their wooden tent). All that gave me a view into our emergency services though. They shut the ambulances down in Te Atatu around 5:30 I hear and the ones sent to their house on each day had to come from New Lynn somewhere and took 30-40 minutes both days.

    That seems a bit bullshit to me given we are fairly well slap bang in the middle of (West) Auckland suburbia.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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