Posts by Sam F

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  • Speaker: The Fabians: There is an alternative,

    I think that 'think tank' relates more to a container, not an armoured vehicle.

    That's just what they wanted us to think. More than meets the eye...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Fabians: There is an alternative,

    There certainly is! A revolutionary vanguard that smashes the state and imposes a dictatorship of the proletariat! Who's with me comrades?

    Stalinism: Success The Only Option...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    in my admittedly limited experience, most ACT supporters, when told, are initially shocked by the revelation and then ignore it.

    Is this rather like when Scientologists reach OT III, and suddenly discover they've signed up for space opera insanity but are too financially and personally committed to get out?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Island Life: Anyone can do design.,

    Or there's this, from Askew1's site as Russ linked on Friday...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    Makes even less of a case for taxpayer funding if its just collecting news from other sources as opposed to outsourcing and funding an NZ journo to get out in the field and report the news.

    As Phil says above, these are mostly features I'm listing. I haven't had the time so far to look into the other stuff produced on behalf of RNZ

    As regards news, RNZ has its own staff in the field for precisely this reason, and you have to ask in NZ, between what's left of NZPA and the sorely stretched daily papers, who on earth they could reliably outsource production of the daily news to.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fun like the old days,

    The other is the graffiti artist Askew One's memoir of Morningside (the real one, not the Bro' Town one). It's beautifully written and illustrated and should be harvested pronto by libraries and archives. It's history, bro.

    OMG, so much awesome. Made my Friday.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    I actually work pretty damn hard to turn out decent work -- and I'm sure Russell and everyone else connected with PAR does the same.

    I bet that Radio Live appreciates the effort that you and many others put into Public Address Radio, but ultimately the company is delivering this programming to listeners as a means to profit. Business principles are rooted in the profit motive, so you don't actually have to believe that all commercial radio is garbage to question their usefulness when assessing a pure public service broadcaster.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    Robbie: that'd be an effort to source.

    For really minimal starters you might point to a fair bit of the evening programming being sourced from the BBC World Service or from the ABC - both fairly reputable, I would have thought. Radio Waatea also provides news segments on Maori issues with the main news bulletins.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    I was thinking more about outsourcing to reputable production companies to produce quality programmes

    For crying out loud... if you could pause for just a moment and actually read a few posts upthread, Radio New Zealand National already does this.

    Please do not provoke me into further damage to my state-funded desk.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    Sam, you have no need to ETA

    I can't post just one!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

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