Posts by Sam F

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  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    [ETA: Beaten by Russell, but here we go anyway. I'd put money that next Friday's column will lead with blog mogul and KNOWN LABOUR SYMPATHISER Russell Brown wading into the radio debate... ]

    So Drinnan leads with the astonishing news that ... the leader of the Save RNZ Facebook campaign is a media studies tutor who worked for Labour for a bit? My faith in the spotless credentials of Facebook group admins has been rocked to the core. To the core, I say.


    In opposition, National MPs sometimes branded RNZ Radio Labour, claiming it had a liberal bias - an accusation the right wing makes about many journalists...

    Apart from a natural support for the private sector, the Cabinet includes people with a background in private radio - Murray McCully and Coleman's offsider Communications Minister Steven Joyce. As an entrepreneur who made his millions in private radio, Joyce had his own views on the role of the state sector in radio and on the status of RNZ.

    So, I ask you, who would you listen to, Middle New Zealand - the media studies pointy-head and his coterie with their troubling ties to Labour (boo! hiss!), or entrepreneurs who made millions on the airwaves and have their own probably very sensible and responsible views regarding public broadcasting (yay! freedom is choice!)?

    After all:

    Under Labour, there was a sense that RNZ drifted into a liberal ghetto that viewed its audience largely as policy analysts based in Kelburn.

    So they were right all along about Radio Labour? Well that's alright then, John, thanks for letting us know. There is some useful info hidden in the column but the unsupported snark about RNZ's audience isn't particularly helpful.

    [ETA: Thanks Paul - altered.]

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    Duplication of services kind of defeats the purpose really ?

    I don't suppose you were saying this at the video store when they offered (for a time) both VHS and DVDs of the same films? :)

    I listen both via radio and podcasts, at very different times and places, so although the content might be the same I certainly don't perceive the service as identical.

    If you were talking about a commercial broadcaster trying to reach the most ears for the less dollars, then it might perhaps 'defeat the purpose' to have multiple means of distribution. For a public service broadcaster aiming to deliver quality local content to as many people as possible, full stop? Not so much.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    Does radio still do sunday morning kid stories ? Bad jelly the witch and Flick the little fire engine...those were the days *sigh* now we do cartoons.

    I believe NatRad still does Weekend Storytime, and last time I checked bFM also had a kids' show on Sundays.

    Weird, but i just realised we dont have a radio as such in the house and where we live, I'm not even sure we get reception.

    You probably do for NatRad (AM if nothing else) but you could always stream or podcast if you've go decent broadband and speakers?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    I don't recall the Scottish thread; was it like the Scottish Play?

    If I hadn't left out the capital T in Thread it would have been clearer, but yes.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    Okay, so my powers of prediction have failed (thank goodness)...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    Or do you mean a reflection of a stereotype of what everyone should be, a model village where the brown folk sit on their porches strumming guitars and ukuleles, while their kids get down to the hip hop, the Asians listen to their haunting traditional music and the black kid has a bass guitar in his basement?

    Another minor prediction on the back of my runaway success in the Scottish thread: this will not end well.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    Couldn't quite figure out whether to follow up with deckchairs and something about an iceberg, or point to the horizon and exclaim about the whiteness of the whale.

    And of all these things public radio was the symbol. Wonder ye then at the fiery hunt?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    It smacks of a fishing expedition, to see just how quickly we can be persuaded to throw somebody overboard from the life-raft they keep telling us we're perilously clinging to. And we're obediently debating it, as always: Toss the grannies! No, the unemployed! Ooh, I know, the harpsichordist... and the group rounds on the hapless musician, gibbering in the corner...

    Meanwhile, the life-raft is still firmly attached to the deck of the cruise-ship, and there's carpetbag steak for dinner in the first class lounge tonight, with drinks on the Captain.

    Painfully accurate metaphor ahoy.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: Auckland: where only one man votes,

    JT: interesting...

    Still, I can't get over that Auckland Local Boards role I linked above. Because hey, who wouldn't want to be the political meat in the sandwich between angry Local Boards who've just realised how powerless they are, and a monolithic Council likely to ignore any suggestion you pass on from the Boards if it conflicts with what they want to do? You'll have local ratepayers moaning at you and Supercouncillors sniggering behind your back. Good times.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: Auckland: where only one man votes,

    Just a curiosity - about 70 job ads have appeared on Seek overnight for Auckland Transport, the ARTA replacement agency. Might you perhaps be the new Manager of Public Transport Operations?

    Keep Auckland moving forward and drive Auckland Transport’s public transport strategies to maximise the use of public transport in Auckland and nurture positive commercial relationships with public transport suppliers.

    Or might you like to assist the Local Boards under the Supercity in their tok- ahem, crucial role in urban democracy?

    As the senior contact point and advocate within Auckland Council for Local Boards, you and your team will assist in building the effectiveness of Local Boards within the community by providing resources to enable Local Boards to fulfil their role and access specialist support and advice.

    Yes, if these sound like fun, the Supercity wants YOU! I'm not sure if you'll have much time free to do hula-hoop on the beach as per the ads though; probably not a productive use of ratepayer resources.

    Now, of course, is the time to pity the hundreds of poor souls across eight councils who are shortly going to get "disestablished" and redirected to for their troubles.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

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