Posts by tussock

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  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    Good god, this thing still going?

    Robbery: oh, right, it's the laws fault that you're breaking the law.
    The law has been there all along, it's just been unenforced. that you've got comfortable with copyright breach through filesharing and downloading doesn't make it now ok.
    does that excuse work in a court of law?
    "I knew it was wrong but cos I got away with it for so long I thought it was ok"

    You know, this line of shit pisses me off more and more.

    The day the law comes into my house, after snooping my private communications, to say the things I did for my own enjoyment, at my own cost, using my own ordinary everyday tools, ... that it's illegal because two very distant parties agreed in contract to limit my rights to safely and professionally do things for myself they would rather have me pay them to do? Fuck that.

    The internet is a library of everything (assuming anyone gives the slightest toss out it), which makes unlimited copies of any part of itself on demand for free (for most purposes). These laws seek to transform that, the greatest machine mankind has ever made, into a tightly constrained commercial set of monopoly properties to organise the flow of information for maximum profit. Fuck that too.

    Shit, new computers come with switches inbuilt that let some god damned recording company stop it working whenever they feel like it. Oh, but don't worry, they have no plans to use that power, honest.

    Hey, performing arts people, stop fucking well suing your fans like a bunch of retards, stop letting people use your good name to try and break the internet, again , and go on tour already.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Don’t let them eat cake,

    You know what would work? The complete opposite of everything the Nats did when they got into OMGWTFBBQ mode after the election.

    At least they're borrowing when the dollar's low. Shame they promptly send it all overseas again like the last lot. Darn balance of payments, it's the fuel imports you know, if only there was a local alternative, like, oh right, never mind, OMGWTFBBQ.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Random Play: Ring out the old, ring in…,

    And if the economy really does fall over, someone or another will make us a new currency to trade in anyway. Or the government can do the Japanese trick of setting interest rates well below inflation for a couple decades to gently wipe away everyone's bad debts (and savings, but never mind).

    Hopefully it's all gone belly up in time to save Dunners from that nutty stadium idea and great glass "who needs a wharf anyway" horror for the ORC to live in: as the '87 crash just barely preserved the central city historic buildings,

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Up Front: All I Want for Christmas is a…,

    If St. Nick knows when you've been Good or Evil, why doesn't he get off his lazy ass more than once a year and deliver a little more than a lump of coal to all the blackguards out there? I mean, dude's got a whole army of elves tucked away over in China making cheap toys for everyone but the poor kids (having fled the North Pole ahead of the disappearing ice sheet), ....

    Oh well, leaves more XP for the rest of us, bravely battling away at whichever team the other guys are on all year, on this new-fangled BBS, or something.

    <sigh> Proudly out-nerding the nerds since '88.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Hard News: They can see your house from here,

    It's very time travelly already, the maps. That bus doesn't park there anymore, those trees were trimmed most severly and haven't recovered well, the neighbour spent an age cleaning their tile roof (after being immortalised with the more intertesting weathering patterns, heh).

    Not even a year old and so much looks out of place to a local.

    The old swing bridge hardly shows up in the picture at all, but that bus would've made the google car tread gravel for a moment to get a proper shot of it, and they might just have had orders not to. Oh well, amazed the place is there at all, really; commendable job.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Hard News: If you can't say something…,

    Voter backlash? There's few things I know of that caused an immediate "backlash" in voting patterns in NZ. The booze and ciggy taxes imposed in '59, poor folk not liking the idea of a labour government taxing their few pleasures. Muldoon being blind drunk all the time. Shipley's benefit slashing to go with the happy fun time Employment Contracts.

    But voters not liking a recount? People who vote not really wanting the votes counted in full? Surely that's just nonsense. Peters wasn't hurt for challenging the Tauronga election, but for looking dodgy in how he paid for the challenge, regardless of it not mattering in the slightest.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Hard News: If you can't say something…,

    Craig: I don't really care what it would do for Labour in the eyes of National party voters, and neither do they. I'd be quite happy for the Greens or anyone else to call for it though.
    And if they don't think O'Connor's presence in the house is well and truly desirable, they shouldn't have had him on the list in the first place.

    It's just, when the margin for error is that tight, anything under one in a thousand really, the recount should happen as a matter of normality, if for no other reason than proving our faith in the whole process. It's unlikely to be this close again for a very long time.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Threshold,

    1.4 first divisor still kicks the rubbish out (1 seat to ACT, 1 to Labour), though I'd imagine the Kiwi party would have grabbed a enough votes to make the margin if folk thought they had a chance at getting in (they'd have had some media mention for one thing), as could one or two others from here and there of course.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Hard News: If you can't say something…,

    Oh, quite right Barbara. My mistake.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Hard News: If you can't say something…,

    So, if a recount from here was to find National losing 22 votes while Labour gained the same, the last MP would switch to Labour. It's between Paul Quinn and Judith Tizard, to bring the thread back on topic.

    A one in fourty thousand shift is surely worth asking for a nationwide recount, one vote per two electorates. Even though Nat-Act still have 62 of 122 afterward.

    And we're *still* stuck with 49.45% of the vote being a majority in the house, but it is a step up from the high 30's they were getting in on previously.

    Doing away with the threashold is clearly to order; 1.4 first divisor.

    Nat 55.
    Lab 42.
    Grn 8.
    NZF 5.
    ACT 5.
    Māo 3+2.
    Pro 1
    Uni 1

    Nat, ACT, and United (of course he's united, there's only one of him) would have 61/122. Endless fun.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

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