Posts by Jacqui Dunn

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  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    :)) Lighter....[ (|here])

    Hope this works. First time I've tried a link

    (Edit) Ah no. Bugger. Anyone tell me what I've done wrong by looking at the above? I'd be very grateful.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    I think Key played the whole thing very nicely

    Nicely isn't quite the word I would have used.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Speaker: Dancing with Dingoes, Part I,

    The biggest mistake I made with tomatoes was not picking out the laterals. Actually, when you have picked them out, if you put them in water they'll, more tomato plants! Brilliant.

    But, if you don't pick out the laterals, after a while you'll find this massive conglomeration of branching tomato, which will be hard to brace when fruit appears - and I think (might be mistaken here) that it actually delays fruit setting, because the plants are so busy making new shoots and growing leaves.

    This probably drains my tomato knowledge....

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Theory: the longer you attend university, the more you become convinced that you have no idea about anything. Or is that just me?

    Oh, I thought it was the older you are, the more you realize..... Well, that's what seems to fit me, anyway.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Speaker: Dancing with Dingoes, Part I,

    I'm feeling better now, thanks, due to:

    1. Got my MacBook back, all loaded up with 500gig hard drive (the other 160gig drive failed), Snow Leopard (it was originally Tiger), and a new CD/DVD burner, so I can leave the horrible Windows computer to fiddle around slowly, on its own!

    2. Yes, the end is in sight for the broken ankle. Thanks to my sister's good ministrations and the bottle of arnica symphytum, I'm fairly confident I'll be back walking and driving, instead of hobbling around on crutches.

    So I am a happy camper at last.

    Gardening tips for the newbie: get two or three Sweet 100 tomatoes. They bear truly delicious little tomatoes, and because they're small, they are not prone to getting diseases or bugs, like some of the bigger tomatoes. Water them deeply and give them lots of mulch. Eat masses and slow roast the excess.
    Plant radishes. Quick yield. Really encouraging for new gardeners.

    Of course, if you already know stuff about gardening, just ignore this. I'm an enthusiastic, if mistake-prone gardener, but the few successes I've had over the years drive me on.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Did you know we're in a recession?,

    Sorry, Jacqui, I meant the Incomparable Ms Hart's "Oh, Cock" column and the commentary attached thereto.

    S'Okay, my friend. I've just spent several hours reading another dozen pages of yet another thread (guess which one that is!) and thought perhaps that was the one you meant. Have to say, if I never see mention of a certain lot of films and a certain group of people for the next several years, I will be very happy. Talk about tedium! (Ooops, I've just realized I'm sure to hear about some of the aforementioned - next year is election year!) I don't think that thread would have reached that total if some of the posters had actually read stuff before they wrote. Nor if they desisted from commenting on things they "thought", "reckoned" or "heard".

    Oh dear. Bad mood. Best get my coat.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Speaker: Dancing with Dingoes, Part I,

    How long does a lettuce take to mature from a single leaf?

    Oer, Sally, you're worrying me! Tell me you put in some seedlings, please.

    If you want lovely lettuce leaves, you can't do better than some of the ones you can pick leaves off as they grow. Red Oaks, Green Oaks, Quartre Saissons (which are really good hot weather lettuces). I think the hearting lettuces are too much trouble, but that's just me. I get too impatient to wait.

    But isn't it lovely to have a garden to grow stuff in? I can't wait to get out and plant some Sweet 100 tomatoes, and some beans....plaster comes off in SEVEN DAYS!!!!! Roll on next Thursday!!

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Speaker: Dancing with Dingoes, Part I,

    My Australian great-Aunt Lyla. teased mercilessly by her nephews with "a bison is what yer wash yer fice in".

    Actually, just in case you're feeling a bit put-upon, Sally, there was a joke I heard when I was over visiting my "Ostrayan" brother: How do you get a Kiwi into a small business? You puteem een a beeg business and leave heem to eet!

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Starting a whole new union or trying to destroy the one they have is just going to lead to the most terrible problems.

    Yes. I can understand people not liking what's happening - me too! But starting another union is stupid. If you don't like the way it's being run, join it, and change it from within.

    And Craig, I of course got your point re money per hour! When you average out the "good" pay over a year, it's watered down to the point that if you don't have another way of earning your bread, you won't last in the business. Which I think is why so many people in the film/theatre/entertainment industry have many strings to their bows - they have to!

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    @ Craig: Without going into tiresome details, I'm thinking of the crews who are on call during the whole of a shoot. Who might work a 12 hour day, or even longer, six days a week, rain, hail or shine.Their weekly pay packet will be substantial.

    Someone who comes in, say a make-up artist doing some special work, might work a four hour day, but be on call over the length of a shoot. Or something:))

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

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