Posts by Jacqui Dunn

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  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Thanks, Sacha. Never saw that film. I'm guessing it wasn't supposed to be funny, but I laughed! (Pleb!??)

    Jeremy - yes, Wellington is cool. Well, cold actually:))

    Like a great many Aucklanders, I once lived in Wellington. One of the really nice things about it, is that one can walk from one side of it, to the other. I used to do it all the time, when I was an impecunious actor.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    I don't disagree about that at all, Jeremy, but we were talking about Hobbitses and stuff. So, talking about that business.

    I have met three crew people who worked for Jackson (in that I had a conversation with them about that - I've probably met/worked with a great many more and not talked about it). They worked the crazy hours with all the attendant missing-the-rest-of-life occasions which their loved ones outside the industry couldn't understand, and of the three, none would never work for Jackson ever again.

    Film-making, unless you're a total fanatic or rich enough to have two/three years off between projects, is a young person's business. It's exciting, but it is all-consuming if it's an everyday thing.

    Families happen. (I noticed you said "had the misfortune to have families" in a previous post. Were you being ironic?) Situations change. And sure, we're in a sticky situation globally. It's not the first time, and probably won't be the last.

    I guess my disquiet about this whole mess is the horrid effect fear had on everyone. Finger-pointing, accusations, and a seeming willingness to believe the worst of others - it gathered momentum and became a national panic. Sides were taken, volleys sent off. I loathed that. At this point, I wish for calm and sober thoughts on this subject, and I know, on this blog at least (can't say I've managed more than the occasional dip into others) there are some thoughtful and measured responses, so feel pretty optimistic about the future.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    I guess that particular argument re Warners/Jackson/overseas will go on for a long time. Jury's still out for me on that, and perhaps will never return.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: Revival,

    Sam Scott: thanks for that Les Paul/Mary Ford. I've never seen it before, but as soon as I saw the names, in my head a song started - and voila! it was the song that intro-ed the whole thing.

    As a very small child, I heard their music a lot. Evocation - powerful stuff.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Techies mortages are for decades.

    It's not so long ago that a freelance anybody could not possibly support a mortgage. (I'm talking about the entertainment business.) Apart from a dozen or so local (and staying-local) actors who have had the good fortune and talent to get parts in long-running TV dramas or a succession of good roles in films, actors in this business have had to have many strings to their bows in order to live in an even modest way - writing a bit, producing a bit, waiting at tables..... While I appreciate that some techies might have bitten off a little too much in the way of debt (when the going was good) and therefore would panic if the work dried up, it's what a great many actors have always faced. Some exceedingly good ones too. I simply can't get too upset about techs and their fears re Jackson's movies. The movies could have gone at any time, regardless of boycott. That's the business.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    And interesting that he's not prepared to approach negotiations in the spirit of good faith - which is the backbone of our current industrial law.

    Ah, my reading of that was that he didn't agree with Equity saying it, not that he wasn't perfectly filled with it himself!

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Hey, off-topic, but the teachers are having a rally today. My sister, who teaches small autistic kids in a satellite class for a special school, has gone to join her colleagues, and I would be there to support them, if I didn't need support myself (crutches! bah!).

    Go, teachers!!!

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    If it's post-marked tomorrow, a day or two's latitude isn't beyond the IRD these days, thankfully.

    Depends, Rob. Refund for you, yes, you won't be penalized. Payment for you, well....good luck with that.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Love that Tintin.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Giovanni: an actor could claim DVDs, theatre and film tickets, as deductible expenses by convincing the tax dept of the need to keep up with modern techniques of film/film acting etc.

    Probably not every single one, but a goodly chunk.

    Same with your Italian books.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

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