Posts by rodgerd
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if it didn't mention that religions exist, that many people are influenced by their beliefs in the various religions, and these beliefs underpin a lot of what goes on in the world
Well, unless secondary education has changed radically in the last 15-odd years, it does, in Social Studies and History courses. Which is the appropriate place for it.
As opposed to, say, my first encounter with Christianity at primary school, where the other 6 year olds explained they couldn't play with me any more because the religious studies teacher had explained contact with heathens would result in them being sent to hell.
Poor oppressed Christians.
C'mon it's kiddie crap and it's aged really badly
Funny, last time I watched it I was surprised how well it had aged - way better than the Dark Crystal.
"be lower" should of course read, "have lower response times"
Raise the driving age to 16,17 0r even18 when science suggests the brain is better equipped to deal with analysing danger more effectively might reduce the toll.
Since we've just removed a bunch of license requirements from the elderly, who are scientifically proven to be lower and less acute than the young, and are the fastest-rising group of ftalities and injuries on the road, that would be a bit of a contradiction of policy trends.
Yes, there's clearly no difference between Australian and New Zealand ib ussues of race. That's why the Australian response to the Torres decision was to set up a process for compensation to address past wrongs based on the best practises of the Waitangi Tribuneral or Canadian equivalents.
Also, as we know, 'blackbirding' was as commonly resorted to New Zealand as Australia in the 20th century.
Coming up next: the PublicAdress expose on the New Zealand Police; as corrupt as those in Mexico!
As for shitting on [radical] Christians, that might be partly because it's our problem. It's always a bit less of a shock when foreigners behave badly.
Where as I care about nutjob Christians more than nutjob Muslims because I know which group are a greater risk to me.
Paul, Neil will most likely have some difficulty providing quotes from bin Laden; consider, for example, bin Laden's praise for Sweden, which is far more friendly to gays, feminists, and pornographers than the United States has ever been.
I've just finished reading La Vie en bleu, and I was struck by the similarity between the love so many modern religious conservatives seem have for their nominal enemies (witness the present US government work with Iran to strike down UN-sponsored efforts on gay rights, reproductive education in the third world, for example) with the way the members of what would become the Vichy regime were drawn from the French right; they were far happier with a world in which they were free to round up the left, take revenge on the Dreyfusards and Jews, and do away with the Republic, even at the expense of being under German occupation, than they were with democracy.
Gilly's one cunning little man, isn't he?
He's made such a song and dance about being honest and a walker, that he can get away with anything now, and umpires don't go the 3rd umpire for anything when he's involved. Talk about using a brand to good effet.
I read a very good book on the history of skullduggery in cricket last year, It's Not Cricket, by Simon Rae. Apart from being a generally very interesting view of the history of the game, he goes into contemporary arguments over walking and, based on conversations with players, comes to the conclusion that mnost of the people making noise about it are just trying to get one over the umpire another way - "Look at me, I'm so honest, if I say it's not out of course it is!"
This is what strikes me about the Islamophobes: they don't have much faith in the knowledge and values that have got us this far.
Well, that's hardly surprisingly, considering the frankly breathtaking ignorance on display in thread by same. Only someone drunk on idiology, ignorance, and/or stupidity could imagine that overthrowing a distusting but secular dictator in Iraq would lead to an outcome where millitant Islamic groups would be weakened in Iraq.
and people who actually just want a decent phone
If you just want a decent phone, why the hell would you buy an iPhone? It's about as far from a basic phone as you can get.
Main drawback to the iPhone I'm seeing is the fact that reviews I've seen of real units say the texting interface is not good. While smug middle-aged men in turtlenecks (Hi Steve!) may think a tiny QWERTY keyboard is better than the mainstream way of sending SMS, I suspect the teens and young adults of the world may disagree.