Posts by FletcherB

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  • Hard News: Modern Lolz,

    On the Topp Twins movie.... is it actually new and fresh, or a greatest hits compilation? The advertising doesnt make it clear...

    Oh, I've just googled... its a Doco!

    Um? Advertising failure, but I think I'd like to see that.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Modern Lolz,

    on Cultural Nationalism or revearse cultural cringe?

    I recall lots of fantastic reviews of 'Scarfies' which was a movie I enjoyed, but felt didnt quite match up to the hype... Maybe the reviewers were overjoyed just because it didnt totally suck?

    I recall lots of pre-publicity and build-up before the release of 'Snakeskin', but there was a distinct lack of reviews after release? A case of "if you cant say something nice, say nothing" maybe?

    Or, I could just have poor judgement?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Modern Lolz,

    a country that produced John Clarke, Billy T James and Flight of the Conchords must be doing something right.

    Billy T and the Conchords are very funny and I enjoy them...

    But John Clarke is on another level.... he is comedy genius.

    It's a shame we here in NZ dont actually get exposed to his regular work on Aussie TV...

    But I rate him up with Billy Connolly, Peter Cook, and only a very few others.... I dont know who the winner is, but they are candidates for "best comedian ever".

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Speaker: Economics of the Waterview Tunnel,

    I have no trouble believing that "financing costs" can change and have changed...

    I'm having trouble understanding why they might change a great deal for one proposal and not another. If you have two options that differ in cost by 5-10% is it reasonable to suggest that any changes in financing cost for each will probably also only differ by about that same margin? It may not be an exact match-up but they shouldnt double for one while the other stays the same, no?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Plague, Famine, By-Election,

    info gained from listening to Radio NZ national on the way in to work this morning....

    -Yes, We will find out National's preferred waterview option tomorrow (wed 13th)

    -Ms Lee on the possible loss of hundreds of houses (paraphrased) "yes, I'm sure people who lose their house will be very sad, but its been on the cards for decades"

    Is that even true? The "decades" bit? It was my recollection that up until about five years or so ago, everyone thought the connection was going down the Rosebank peninsular?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Social Retail,

    JohnS- yes I know... I was just being a smart ass because I've yet to find a single non-grape wine I even slightly liked.... all the ones I've tried have been too sweet and tasted too similar to the fruit they were derived from...

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Social Retail,

    Apparently well regarded as among the best tasting of the fruit wines.

    provided that you ignore that grapes are fruit?

    Doh... I knew I should have quoted.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Social Retail,

    provided that you ignore that grapes are fruit?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Island Life: Q+A. Fill in the blanks.,

    Matt Poole.... without assessing the validity of your data, but taking at face value...

    You say going from 1.1% to 1.57% of GDP is "not very much"

    I say it's increased more than 40%.

    That seems quite a rise to me?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Sunday Capers,

    Although I dont normally feel the need to comment on politicians or interviewees dress sense myself....

    I thought Cameron Brewer's tie was just a bit too bright and jumpy-outy for someone complaining about another's dress sense...

    The pot calling the kettle lurid?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

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