Posts by Sam F
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Gio: as one gem out of many at that link, note our 'public diplomacy' versus their 'propaganda'...
Sounds like they'll do a heck of a job.
So... saying we need a national security about China, its goals and ambitions and whether or not we should think about rearming is a call to arms? Don't be stupid.
That was probably me reading too much into this:
...Time to start thinking about rearming, folks.
Don't suppose you've been able to rustle up something, anything, supporting your argument that China is deliberately fostering communities of sympathetic nationalistic Chinese overseas? Honestly interested if so.
to person upstream mentioning Chinese tuna-boats, just remember that as Te Waka a Maui is towed north, you fellas come long for the ride-
Of course. Ties that bind and all that.
In Tom's defence. I don't think it's unreasonable or racist ask the question of whether China is a military threat. I disagree with his assertions, but I don't think he should be slammed for asking the question in the first place.
Fair enough. I think mine and a lot of others' hackles were raised by Tom's post not actually being posed as a question for discussion, but rather as a literal call to arms including the vague suggestion that "disloyal" overseas Chinese populations were somehow part of the military threat.
EDIT: Post redundant. What Keith says below...
So... better weather then?
Well, the Chinese ski commandos will probably get a nice downhill run straight off the Alps into Taipei - it might get a bit melty after that, unless they drag it north into cooler latitudes in time, in which case they'll probably get another wicked ski season on their way into Tokyo.
Imperialism as xtreme sport. We might even be able to flog them some merino on the way through.
It was all confided to me once over a dinner of New Zealand lamb in farthest Manchuria.
Those Chinese tuna trawlers, the ones sailing so innocently around our EEZ, secretly contain powerful laser drills and immense engines and towchains. Even now they have almost finished cutting this country free from the continental shelf, after which the South Island will be towed forcibly northwest past PNG to be used as a readymade miltary land-bridge for the invasion of Taiwan.
I cannot confirm or deny the involvement of fighting super-robots but it would be a nice touch.
cannawater on the supermarket shelf? marijuagum from the bottleshop? article in viva with the best cookie recipes?
I'm now envisioning an alternate-reality version of that hilarious Real Food thread we had a few months back...
Saying that Avatar is anti-corporations is like saying that Tom and Jerry is anti-cats. Cartoonish villains and a brainless script don't a critique make.